Page 27 of One Dirty Night
Nicholas’s turbulent gaze snapped to mine. “I do. Fuck, I do. But...only because you drag things out of me I don’t want to feel.”
“You know how you can make those feelings go away, right?” Hunter smirked. “Or make them worse...depends how the night goes, I guess.”
“What are you talking about?” Nick ran a hand over his face, looking exhausted.
“Well, you want to know what it would be like to fuck her, yes?” Hunter cupped my breast, making me squeak. His thumb caressed my nipple, and my squeak turned into a tattered moan.
Nick went dangerously still.
I didn’t know if it was from my moan or seeing Hunter fondle me, but the look in his eyes sent shivers right to my core.
“Yes,” Nick finally grunted. “Hell yes, I want to fuck her.”
“Well...?” Hunter dragged me in front of him, grinding his cock against my ass all while palming both my breasts with large, strong hands. “Perhaps she’ll let you. If you ask nicely.” He nuzzled my neck from behind. “What do you say, Ella? Should we let your roommate watch while I have my wicked way with you and then let him have a tiny taste? Or has he ruined any chance of you being remotely interested in him in that way?”
Nick locked himself in place.
His fists shook by his thighs.
Trapped by two men, one manhandling me and the other devouring me with his eyes ought to make me feel imprisoned, vulnerable, and completely at their mercy, but somehow, the softest, sweetest, most addictive power coiled through me.
Both men wanted me.
A girl who lived and breathed in boredom suddenly had two very handsome, two very sexual men asking me to choose.
Other people milled around, but no one paid us attention. Some strolled hand in hand in various stages of undress. Others snuck off to the big top with knowing grins on their faces. The faint threads of the carousel melody lapped around our feet, all while the stars shone down and the night stretched outward full of dirty, dangerous possibilities.
Clearing his throat, Nick stumbled over a sentence almost too low to hear. “If it’s true that you came here to get fucked, Ella, then...” He shook his head, his thick bronze hair falling over one eye. “Let me be the one to fuck you.”
His words were arrows, landing with their sharp, lethal points directly in my chest.
Hunter chuckled behind me, running his tongue up my throat. “Not until I’ve had her first.”
“Isn’t that her decision?” Nick hissed.
“It is. But I’m pretty sure I know the answer.” Hunter nipped my ear. “Am I right, little witch?” His hips rocked into my ass, sending another flush of wanton, wicked need through me. “Say the word, and you’ll be in paradise the moment we step into the big top.”
I shuddered as his hand boldly crept around my stomach and dipped, lower and lower. I squirmed for him to stop, but he just kept going, cupping my pussy beneath my dress, blatantly laying claim to me right in front of Nick.
The heat of his captivity.
The pressure of his fingers.
I waited to be horrified.
I waited for all the feelings society said I should feel, already regretting saying goodbye to the naughty power I thrummed with.
But just as Hunter’s kiss had cut the cord between good girl and bad, I endured another unravelling. No shame. No blame. No embarrassment or confusion.
Just truth.
And courage.
And...I opened my legs a little wider, stepping fully into the creature that’d always stalked beneath my skin. Something with claws and teeth. Something that wanted to get bit because she wanted to bite back just as hard.
I moaned as Hunter pressed my soaking underwear into my pussy, the friction of fabric sending me sky high. Shaky and feeling slightly drunk, I rested my head on Hunter’s shoulder.