Page 51 of One Dirty Night
“And she fucking loved it.” Hunter winked.
My eyes volleyed between the two men as they verbally fought over me. My back prickled beneath the heat of Nick’s strikes.
Nick stepped toward Hunter, both of them naked, both with fists clenched and a war brewing between them.
“Stop it. Both of you,” I commanded. “We’re in this together. Remember?”
Holding up his hands, Hunter nodded. “Listen to her, Nick. This is her night. You didn’t have to join in her fantasy, but you did. What she says goes in here.” Lowering his arms, he added, “Besides, she’s all yours now.” He chuckled. “Until I’m ready for a second round, of course.”
“There won’t be a second round, you bastard,” Nick spat.
Hunter glanced at me on the bed. “When the girl I’ve just fucked looks as good as she does, I can assure you there will definitely be a second round.” He grabbed his wet cock, pumping it in his fist. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been this turned on. I’m not even going soft. I want her again, so I suggest you hurry up and take her because if you don’t...I’ll be thrusting right back where I belong.”
Nick’s fist twitched.
Hunter narrowed his eyes. “You hit me, and we’re gonna have a serious problem.”
“Nick...” I murmured. “You knew what you were signing up for by agreeing to this.”
He shot me a look, floundering for control. I’d never seen him so vulnerable, so heartbroken. It tugged on my heart. It made me second-guess that perhaps I should stop this before he decided he didn’t want to try for anything else, after all.
“I let him stick his dick inside you, Ella. I shared you as you requested. I even let him come bareback inside you, against every instinct I have as a man. That was the deal. I did everything you asked. But I refuse to let him have you again. He can’t.”
My temper crackled to meet his. “You let him?” My chin snapped up before he could reply. “Don’t you think I was the one who let him? That everything about tonight has been my decision?”
His nostrils flared. “And your decision is to let him fuck you again?”
Hunter crossed his arms over his flat, carved stomach. Naked and cut from rock, he was one of the most gorgeous men I’d ever seen, let alone slept with.
If Nick stayed true to his promise that tonight was a one-time thing, then...if I let him dictate what I could or could not do, I’d resent him.
But...if he’d truly woken up to how he felt about me. If he was prepared to admit that he wanted a chance, then...I wouldn’t risk it.
I’d been lying just as much as him.
Each time we saw each other in the lab, I fell more and more into his intelligence and seriousness. Each time he skirted around me at home, I longed for a whispered word or gentle caress to soften the scorn he gave me.
I’d tried to stop my crush for months.
I hated the way he treated me but was grateful for it too because it kept my heart from fully tumbling, but...if he was prepared to see me. To see what we could have together. Then...that was the ultimate fantasy. Not this. Not a threesome from heaven. This was a dream. Out there was a reality.
And I very much wanted Nicholas to be my reality.
Shifting onto my knees, hissing at the tightness of my back, I pinned him with a stare. “Okay, Nick...if you don’t want me to sleep with Hunter again, all you have to do is tell me one thing.”
He froze.
Hunter smirked.
Sucking in a breath, Nick asked, “What thing?”
“Are you set on this being over after tonight? Are you going to insist that there’s nothing between us and refuse to see where this could go? All because I’m an inconvenience to your timeline of how you figured your life should go?”
He wrinkled his nose and raked a hand through his hair. “You’re asking me if I’ll date you?”
“I’m asking you to give us a chance. We already live together. You admitted you’ve had fantasies of sneaking into my room and fucking me. What if you didn’t have to sneak?”
He crossed his arms, mirroring Hunter. “No.”