Page 103 of One Chance
Studio?I could only stare at him as his body radiated with excitement.
“Around the back and sides of the barn there’s room for outdoor seating or classes. Whatever you want to do.”
“Lee, I...” I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”
Lee’s handsome grin spread as he opened his arms wide. “Welcome to the Sand Dune Art Barn.”
Through the dust and construction, I could see it with perfect clarity. The vision of blending art and community with tourism formed before my eyes. The dream I had shared with Lee in late-night whispers and flippant, offhand comments. He’d listened to every detail, and I could see it taking shape before my eyes.
I couldn’t keep my voice from breaking when I turned to him. “What did you do?”
His eyes burned into me. “I’m doing whatever it takes. Whatever I need to do to show you that it was always you.”
My heart thumped painfully against my ribs.
“It took me a little bit to wrap my head around the fact you wrote the letters, but once I did, it was painfully obvious. When I think back to my time in the Army, I don’t think about the drills or the missions. Instead I think about the small,humanmoments—laughter with my unit to break up the tension and stress, the ripple of excitement when another letter came. Those letters saved my life.Yousaved my life. And then when I got home and everything fell apart, you saved me again. Your friendship and loyalty held me up when I was self-destructing. Not my brothers, not Kate, not Margo.You.”
Lee’s voice was thick in a way I’d never heard before, and I fought back my own tears as he continued: “I know what the hell I’m fighting for. I found myself and I will work for you and this love. What you did—keeping Margo’s secret—isn’t who you are.”
Lee reached forward to grab my hand. He planted it on his chest, his heart hammering beneath my palm. “Feel this.” He tapped his fingers against the back of my hand to the rhythm of his heartbeat. “There is no distance between your heart and mine. Every single day with you is the best day of my life.”
Finally my tears broke free, and I crumbled at his words. My eyes searched his. “Isn’t it the person who messed up who should be doing the big, romantic gestures?”
He shook his head and smiled. “I know you. You are too good and too kind to be selfish. You would never take more than anyone asked, but that’s what I’m asking. Take me—all of me. The jokes and the pranks and the sadness I keep buried too. Just like you’ve always done. Annette, will you take me?”
My question hungin the air, and a ripple of panic coursed through me.Was I too late? Had she finally come to her senses and realized I really wasn’t worth all the trouble?Now that she was free of her secret, maybe she’d decided that moving on was the best option.
A tear slipped down her cheek and I caught it, then brushed it aside with my thumb.
“I will take you. All parts of you.” Annie’s whispered words broke me. I gathered her in my arms, and relief washed over me as she clung to me. “I love you and you’re my best friend, but we have to think about growing up. You don’t get to be an idiot all the time anymore. Silly pranks are one thing, but you can’t be reckless. When it’s time to talk about things, we actually need to talk about them.”
Bundling her in my arms, I clutched her closer as she sobbed into my chest. As much as I hated to see her cry, my heart was soaring. Annie was mine, and I’d stop at nothing to give her everything she deserved—every part of me. She needed comfort and stability, and I would be the man to give it to her. “You’re right. I shut you out because I was afraid too. Afraid that this was all too good to be true and that you would realize that I’m a fuckup.”
Annie swiped at her eyes. “You’re not—”
“I was. I wanted to have fun, fuck around, play pranks on the Kings, and not think about the consequences of giving in to all the feelings I’d bottled up for so long. At any point I could have told you, but I let fear win out. I won’t do that again.” I cupped her face in my hands. “I swear to you.”
Fresh tears spilled over her lashes and down her cheeks before she clutched me close and wiped her face on me, quickly trying to hide the wet spots with a swipe of her hand. “I’m blubbering all over you.” She wiped again. “I think I got snot on your shirt.”
A laugh shot out of me, and I held her at arm’s distance to give her a disgusted look. “Gross.”
Her gentle laughter was a balm for my soul. We were going to be all right—better than all right. I had plans for us, and it was going to be fucking epic. My hands tangled in her hair, and I took one step closer, fusing her body to mine. Her hands found my hips, and heat spread between us.
“Annette Crane, I am so fucking gone for you.” My mouth moved over hers as I swallowed her whimper. “I love you. I love you.” I said it over and over as I peppered kisses everywhere—her lips, her face, her hair.
“I love you, Lee. I have been in love with you my whole life. I’m so sorry I was too afraid to tell you before.” Annie stopped my kisses, placing her hands on the sides of my face. Her crystal-blue eyes bore into me. “I will make up for every moment we missed out on. I will fight for you and for this love, because it is everything.Youare everything.”
I had never been more seen. More wanted. More loved.
“I will fight for you.” I reiterated her words, setting her fears to rest and knowing I would die before I let another wasted moment fall between us.
Bending down, I gripped Annie under her thighs and hoisted her up so she could wrap her legs around my waist. She squealed in delight, and I held her close, kissing her neck.
Sure, we may have had countless missed opportunities over the years, but what we got instead was a rock-solid friendship that would be the foundation of a perfect life together.