Page 13 of One Chance
And chase away the only woman who’s ever seen the real me and not run.
Instead, I doubled down on my promise to find her a date.
Agreeingto find someone for Lee to date had been a mistake. I had worked so hard to put our friendship neatly into a little box and shove down all the inappropriate, verynot-friendlyfeelings I once harbored for him.
Suddenly all I could think about were things like:What would Lee like in a girlfriend? She should be funny and sweet and adventurous. Pretty. Strong enough to uncover and accept the deep emotions he works so hard to hide. I bet that man fucks like a god.
Heat pooled low in my belly at the thought I had no right thinking.
No redheads.
I frowned down as I fluffed my soft, bouncy red curls and waited for my date, Timothy, to arrive.Someone’s got to love red, right?
I’d been excited when Timothy said he had reservations at Etoile Brasserie. It was fancy for a first date, but I’d always wanted to try it, so I eagerly agreed. Only a few miles up Blue Star Highway, the French restaurant was popular among tourists in the area. Dinner here was on my wish list.
When he arrived, Timothy was dressed in a charcoal sport coat with a red ascot and dark trousers that fit his slim body perfectly. The white shirt beneath the suit jacket was subtly striped with horizontal navy lines.How very French of him.His dark-blond hair was neatly trimmed and slicked back. Smooth jaw. It was a good look on him.
When he stepped up to me, he clicked his heels together and dipped in a deep bow, brushing his lips across my knuckles. “Mademoiselle.”
I chuckled and bent my knees in a gentle but awkward curtsy. As he straightened, his nose twitched, and he lifted a knuckle to stifle a sneeze.
“Pardon me.” Timothy grinned and gestured toward the entrance of the restaurant. “Shall we?”
After being guided by the hostess, we took our seats and I crossed my ankles. I’d chosen a little navy dress with a subtle sweetheart neckline and enough fabric that I felt pretty, but not too exposed. My hair was half-up, and I was wearing the adorable yellow peep-toe heels I’d splurged on recently.
“You are stunning.” Timothy’s mouth hooked in a soft smile.
“Thank you. And thanks for ... this.” I gestured to our sophisticated surroundings. Soft lighting and plush leather seats. Glittering candlelight on white linens. Gentle French music in the background. The whole place felt opulent and romantic.
“It’s very close to the real thing. Have you been?” Timothy gently cleared his throat, but leaned in to listen.
“To France?” I asked. “No, I haven’t really traveled.” My small-town roots and growing up in the foster care system meant opportunities abroad had been slim.
I picked up the menu and scanned through the selections. Etoile Brasserie was upscale—and very pricey. My eyes scanned the menu, a slight panic prickling at the base of my hairline as I mentally calculated the cost of dinner. It had been several,severaldates since anyone had treated me to a meal, and this dinner alone was going to put a hefty dent into my checking account.
Timothy leaned forward. It was nice to have the attention of a man as put together as Timothy. He tugged his collar and scratched at the base of his jaw, a glittery gold band twinkling on his wrist. “So how do you know Lee?”
“Oh, I ...”Shit.In my experience, the minute a man found out Lee and I were close, the questions started. Jealous questions.How close? How long have you been friends? Have you ever slept together? Have you ever wanted to?
It was infuriating. And insulting. Except for maybe the last question ... I’d lied through my teeth every single time I had been asked.
“Oh, well ... we grew up in the same hometown. I’ve known him forever. Lee dated my foster sister all through high school.”
“Dated? As in past tense?” Timothy leaned forward, giving me his full attention. “I’m surprised you and Lee stayed friends after the breakup.”
I swallowed hard. “She, um... she passed away.”
Timothy’s hand covered mine, and his eyes went soft. “I am so sorry.”
I resisted the urge to pull my hand away as a sinking feeling filled my stomach. “Thank you. Yes, it was very hard on all of us. Especially Lee.”
Timothy nodded and lifted his napkin to sneeze. “I am so sorry.” He delicately wiped his nose before smiling. “We were stationed together in the Army. We only recently reconnected, but I remember he was head over heels for his girl back home.” A gentle laugh rolled out of him. “Lee stalked the mail carrier every time we had postage come through. He lived for those letters.” He shook his head and sniffed again. “That’s a real shame.”
Bile rose in my stomach, and tears burned behind my eyes. Timothy’s eyes raked over me, seeing my discomfort on full display.