Page 2 of Wicked Little Secret
“Maybe you should eat there. You’re not going to find any potential baby daddies sitting at home.”
“I know, but I feel weird going out to eat by myself. I don’t want people to think I’m a loser.”
“The key is to project confidence, like you own the place. People pick up on your energy. If you act like you don’t belong, then that’s how they’ll treat you. But I’m happy to be your wing woman next time. I just need a little notice to coordinate with Chad’s schedule or line up a sitter.”
Rose’s husband was a sexy cop she’d met when he responded to a fender bender she’d been in. They were married five months later and popping out kids not long after, and Olivia had delivered every one of their babies. Rose had promised to reciprocate when Olivia got pregnant, but she was starting to worry she might never get to cash in on that favor.
Pulling her phone from her white coat pocket, Rose tapped her screen. “Let’s plan on a month from now, when you’re ovulating next. Chad’s off that weekend.”
“It’s a date.”
“Evan calling,” the robotic voice announced over the speakers in her Mercedes.
She pushed ‘answer’ and said loudly into the cabin of the sedan, “Hey! What’s up?”
“I was just on my way to meet my date and thought I’d give you a call to see how the car is running.”
“It’s running great.” Olivia had bought her brother’s old Mercedes a few months ago when he’d wanted the newest model. “Who’s the lucky girl?”
“Some chick I met online. We’ll probably have one drink and then go get naked.”
“Seriously? You’re that confident?”
“Yeah. It’s kind of implied with the app we’re on. Plus, if it wasn’t, our conversations have pretty much spelled it out.”
“Aren’t you worried you’re going to get someone who turns into a stalker?”
“A little. Which is why I tell them I’m a stockbroker, and my name is Elliot.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Evan, seriously?”
“Did you not just hear what I said?Elliot,” he corrected smugly.
“How can you go home with someone who doesn’t even know your real name?”
“First of all, I never go to anyone’s home—we always go to a hotel or, a few times, my car, and secondly, you should try it. Sex fixes a lot of things that are ailing you.”
It would fix what was ailing her, that was for sure.
He didn’t give her time to respond. “It sounds like you’re in the car. Are you going out?”
“I am. I just left work. I’m stopping by Flannigan’s to pick up something to eat, then I’m headed home.”
“Why don’t you try picking up a dude while you’re there?”
She could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
“I gotta go.”
“Love you, Ollie,” he sing-songed. He only called her Ollie when he was trying to annoy her.
“Yeah, yeah. Love you, too.”
He quickly shouted, “You need to get lai—!” before she clicked off the call.
She did need to get laid.