Page 56 of Don't Be Scared
“Because a girl in my class has four boyfriends,” he shrugs, like it’s the easiest, most obvious thing in the world. “So I’ve seen it before.”
When he glances at the bucket again, I surreptitiously hand him two more bags, able to spot the small, surprised smile on his face from the corner of my eye as he takes them and stuffs them into his own trick-or-treat bucket.
“If they are, then I don’t know what I’m going to do with them,” I sigh at last, surprised they’restilltalking to my parents. “Any advice?”
“Well, Kylie—that’s the girl in my class—says they’re all going to get married.” He looks at the ground, clearly thinking, then says, “You could do that?”
“I don’t think the country has caught up to that kind of liberal thinking yet.” It’s hard not to smile at him, at the way he thinks these things should just be obvious. “But I’ll take it under advisement. Want one more?” I pull one more bag from the bucket and he takes it without a word, slipping it into the depths of his own. “Have you been to the booth with all the lights?” I ask, searching my brain for something that might interest him. “You can’t miss it. There’s a lit up witch flying a broom. And stars.”
“I don’t think so.”
“You should have your mom take you there. They have full size bars, and you can go back for seconds. Plus, they have games you can play to win these little spider rings. Seriously.” I show him the spider ring I’d ‘won’ from being over there an hour ago, and his eyes widen just a tad. “Three rows over, about even with here.”
He nods hurriedly, gives me a bright smile, and trots off to his mother, who’s talking to someone at the booth across from my parents’. As I watch, his excited face turns up, and he tells her what I’d said, only for her to smile, nod, and say goodbye to whoever it is she’s been talking to.
That’s adorable. If Iwereever to become a parent, I’d want to be one like that, who cares about their kid’s little joys. Just like my parents had.
Speaking of…I turn, unsurprised this time to see Rory and Phoenix still there and my parents preoccupied with whatever they’re saying. Knowing they’ve gone unmonitored too long for public safety, I march over as well, place the bucket on the edge of our table, and stand directly behind both of them, trying to figure out what they’re saying.
But I certainly don’t expect Phoenix to reach back and loop an arm around my waist, dragging me between them and forward a step, so I’m directly in line with them and facing my parents as well. Even Mom notices and gives a small, confused, look in my direction. Specifically at Phoenix’s arm, still around my waist.
I just look back at her, giving her my best deer in headlights look that has worked on many less worthy foes than her.
“I miss Halloween here,” Phoenix is saying, an almost sad smile on his face. “And Rory has never been. I’m happy I was able to drag him out here this year.”
“It wasn’t as difficult as he’s making it out to be,” Rory snorts, the sweetest grin on his face and the same glint in his eyes. It’s amazing how he goes from serial killer to puppy dog so fast, and my parents have absolutely fallen for it. “I like Halloween, and I really like Phoenix.”
Uh oh.This is about to go somewhere that I’m not sure I’m comfortable with, andfast.
“I see…” Dad is still oblivious, but Mom’s words are full of doubt as her gaze falls again to Phoenix’s hand around my waist. As if to make it worse, because he can, Rory throws an arm over my shoulders, pulling me to him so I really am trapped between them.
And sure enough, Mom’s gaze goesrightto mine.
“They said they’d walk around with me,” I lie, reaching up to gently, gingerly, rest my arms across their shoulders. Like we’re some big happy threesome-er-family. Family definitely sounds better in my head. “You don’t mind, do you? The trick-or-treaters have died down.” I hope to God my winning smile is enough to convince them, though Dad is already nodding his approval.
But he was the easy sell.
It’s Mom who watches my face, looking for any hidden sign of distress or anything else that might concern her. Her eyes go to both Rory and Phoenix once more, then she shrugs her shoulders. “If you want to, sure. Just make sure you’re back before we leave.”
“Or give us a shout that you’re with them, if it comes to that,” Dad adds, clearly not understanding what he’s saying. “There’s some crazy out and about in the tri-county area, remember. I don’t want you ending up alone with some sicko.”
Too bad for him, that’s exactly what he’s signing off on.
I swear I can feel the laughter radiating from Rory, though his face is as perfectly straight as if he didn’t have insider information on thecrazyrunning around. “Sure, Dad,” I promise, giving him a mock salute with one raised hand. “I’ll be careful.”
“We’llbe careful,” Phoenix amends. “And we’ll take care of Bailey, Mr. Scott. We’d never leave her alone in the woods or anywhere else.”
“Especially not with somemurdereron the loose,” Rory puts in slyly, leaving me fighting not to punch him.
It’s hard to escape, but I disentangle myself from all but Phoenix’s arm, letting him pull me down the row of booths with Rory on my other side. “What are you doing?” I ask them both, bemused and feeling my heart thump in what could be anticipation but is more than likely nerves. “If my parents think—”
“Your parents think we’re lovely people,” Rory purrs against my ear. “Don’t ruin it for them, Bailey. AndGod, it’s such a shame we don’t get to play with you much tonight.” Shivers travel up my body as he gazes at me with none of the sweetness still on his face. It makes it so hard not to remember what Angleson said about me being in danger as well, for being associated with Daisy’s death.
“Because we have to help my parents,” Phoenix answers, a small trickle of amusement and fondness in his tone. “That’s why we’re dressed up.” He pulls me between two tents, to the outer edge of the fair, where we at least have some semblance of privacy. “It is just so easy to lure you away from prying eyes,” he purrs, eyes dancing as his hands slide up my arms until he’s gripping my elbows and not letting me move away.