Page 71 of Don't Be Scared
“No,” he agrees, cutting me off and dragging me that last step closer. “You’reBailey.Not Phoenix’s Bailey, or that girl we fucked in Hollow Bridge during our murder spree. You’reBailey.OurBailey. Not just his. I may have not known you very long…” He drifts closer, mouth inches from mine, causing my breath to hitch in my chest. “But one of the perks of being like me is that I know what I want from the first moment I see it. And I’ve wanted you since I watched you walk alone into the woods.” Before I can say anything, he brushes his lips to mine, then lunges forward to sink his teeth into my lower lip, drawing a surprised, pained yelp from my throat.
“I think this is the part I tell you that if you hurt Phoenix, we won’t be friends anymore,” he informs me, still with that too-serious tone of voice that reminds me of the man who wears a mask and carves up my peers in moral support of his boyfriend. “But I don’t need to, because you won’t. Because you’re drowning in us, and I’d rather pull you down to the depths of the ocean with us then send you back up for air.” With one hand splayed against my lower back, he worries his teeth across the small wound he’s made in my lower lip.
“And as nice as Phoenix is? He’d take your arm and pull you down with us just as quickly as I would.” Then he licks the blood from my lip, and the seriousness evaporates, his normal boyish charm and smile coming back to his face. “And also, we should do something soon. I’m not getting up early, but I deserve some Bailey alone time, too.”
“Maybe Bailey’s boring alone,” I point out after a few seconds, finding I’m not willing to remark on the other parts of what he’d said that have my feelings in chaos and my stomach feeling like it’s full of birds in flight.
“That’s okay,” he chuckles. “Because Rory isn’t. Now please smile at him so he knows I didn’t hurt your feelings, or it’s going to be super awkward later when I fuck you and make him watch.”
“He’s going to just watch?” I can’t help but ask, surprised. “You really think so?” Phoenix doesn’t seem much like ajust watchperson to me.
But Rory flutters his lashes at me, twining his fingers with mine as we near the SUV. “I have so much confidence that he will. Especially after we’ve handcuffed him to the desk. Now smile, Bailey, or he’ll start to think we have a nefarious plan in store for him.”
“But we do.”
“Maybe, but he doesn’t need to know that.”
Ignoring Nic’s calls lasts three days. Though I have a feeling it would’ve lasted longer if Rory and Phoenix weren’t around to distract me from how upset and hurt I’d been. But by the time a few days have gone by and Nic calls again, I realize I’m not nearly as upset as I had been. Not by a long shot. In fact, I’m on the verge of asking if she wants to hang out when the doorbell rings, drawing my attention from the kitchen island and toward the foyer.
“Weird,” I mutter to myself, remembering that Mom and Dad are out. It’s not like we get a lot of visitors anyway, and unless this is a surprise visit from the boys, or Nic and Nolan, I have no idea why anyone would be dropping by at four in the afternoon for a social call.
“I’m coming,” I say to the empty air, brushing by the living room furniture on my way to the door, just as the bell rings again. Whoever it is seems impatient, and they had better be dying if they’re going to ring the bell more than twice.
The door catches, because of course it does, but I’ve already yanked it open by the time I see Angleson standing there, a frown on her face. Unfortunately, it’s too late to pretend I’m spontaneously having a heart attack.
“We need to talk,” the detective tells me, without waiting for me to say anything. “About your friend, Phoenix. Do you know where he was about four nights ago, when Ava died?”
More than anything, I wish I could slam the door in her face, but instead I smile, tilting my head to the side thoughtfully as I say, “Maybe with me?”
“Maybe not,” she replies, her grin unfriendly. “Can I come in?”
My knuckles are beginning to sting from slamming on the hotel door by the time it opens, but since I’m barely looking at the door, Phoenix has to grab my wrist so I don’t hit him in the face.
“Sorry,” I breathe, unclenching my fingers. “I’m sorry. I know it’s a weird time, and you weren’t expecting me, and I definitely didn’t tell you I was coming—”
“You’re fine.” Phoenix’s tone is patient, but the look in his eyes shows me he’s suspicious and, above that, worried. “What’s wrong?” He tugs on my arm, gently pulling me inside, even though I’m still glued in place, looking around the parking lot to make sure no one knows I’m here.
But even if Angleson did follow me, she has to know I’d come here, since I’d admitted to her that I’m in a relationship with the two of them.
I hadn’t known what else to do.
“I’m sorry,” I say again, letting him pull me into the large room with its huge, king size bed planted firmly against one wall. “Where’s Rory?”
“Trying to shower,” the auburn-haired killer comments, pushing the bathroom door open with his shoulder, dressed in only a pair of sweatpants. Seeing that much skin on display distracts me temporarily, and a grin hooks his lips upward. “Good to know looking at me can soothe even the most troubled soul.”
“Angleson came over,” I say, looking between them instead of letting Rory’s teasing do anything to calm my nerves. “I thought it was going to be just her stupid threatening nothings. You know, it’s not like she’s hadanyevidence against you guys. So I thought—” I take a deep breath, realizing I’m rambling, and will my heart to stop pounding so hard. “I thought this would be the same.”
“Why don’t you sit?” The worry on his face isn’t strong enough for the situation, but Phoenix still hasn’t looked away from me. “Come on, Bailey. It’s okay, whatever it is.”
“It’s not okay,” I assure him, letting him drag me to the bed. I sit down, toeing my shoes off as I do, and curl my legs under me, trying to rub some warmth back into my bare calves. Given that I’d been in a hurry to get to them once I was sure Angleson had left, I hadn’t even thought about changing out of my lounge shorts and light-weight, long-sleeve t-shirt. I’m paying for it now though, and shiver from the lingering chill from outside.
“None of us are dead or in jail, so it definitely is,” Rory argues, wrapping his arms around me from behind and pulling me against his radiator of a body. As per usual, it feels like someone has cranked up the heat to eleven when I’m pressed against him, and I let out a sigh, trying to force myself to relax.
“She knows, or thinks, anyway, it’s you,” I tell Phoenix slowly, my gaze finding his as I say it. “There’s some evidence that she swears points to you, and she thinks I know more than I’m letting on. Which I do, obviously. But…” I trail off. “She says your alibi isn’t strong enough to keep you out of jail. Says sheknowsyou’re the one doing it, since you have the most reason. I kind of argued with her and said that I’m pretty sureIhave the most reason.” A strangled laugh leaves my throat, and Rory hugs me harder. “I’m sorry. I tried, I said you were with me when Ava was killed, but she wouldn’t believe me. We’re screwed, I’m so sorry.”
Phoenix doesn’t react like I’m expecting. Hell, he barely reacts at all, and only looks at Rory, who rests his head on my shoulder.