Page 29 of Hazing Her
“Do you live in Hearst Hall too?” Kassidy’s head whips in my direction, a look of shock on her face.
“How did you get stuck there?”
The hairs on the back of my neck prickle. The incredulousness in her tone puts me alert. Kassidy must see something in my face because her next words come out rushed.
“It’s just that all of your guys are there.”
My feet stop moving as her words sink in.
“What did you just say?” Ignoring the fact she called them mine, my words come out breathy. She shakes her head, laughing softly, as she resumes walking.
“Gareth, Callum, and the other two all have rooms there. Rumor is that their rooms are bigger than most. Even though they still share two to a room, they get full-size beds instead of twins.”
“How did that happen? That they get special treatment.” My mind is racing to catch up to this new information.
Kassidy looks over at me, her steps pausing again. Cocking her head to one side as she responds, “Haven’t you caught on yet?” Looking at me expectantly as my head moves side to side, the puzzle pieces are still not fitting together.
“The library is named after the Atwater family. Callum’s, however many great-grandfathers, paid for it. His family has added on and renovated it over the years. All four boys are legacies—their families have attended Groveton College for generations. Other than killing someone, there isn’t much those four can’t get away with.”
My head drops back on my shoulders, cursing my bad luck. “Fuck me!” I say aloud, causing Kassidy to giggle.
Kassidy stops as we come to an intersection, pointing to the left as she speaks. “My dorm is this way. Let me know if you want to meet up tomorrow to study together,” she says hopefully.
“That sounds great. I’ll text you after classes finish. Have a good night.”
Continuing to my dorm, I feel eyes on me again. Students are everywhere, despite the late hour. Once safely ensconced inside Hearst Hall, I try to brush off the creepy feeling. My feeling of safety quickly flees when the lights flick on in my room.
My eyes shutter closed, holding back tears threatening to fall. Looking back at the destruction, the mattress is on its side, and all of my bedding is scattered on the floor. My desk hasn’t fared any better, with the drawers pulled open and my assignments thrown everywhere. In the closet, most of my clothes have been pulled off the hangers, lying bunched on the floor.
Taking it all in, a groan escapes my lips, and tears run down my cheeks.
My night just got a lot longer.
Gareth sent a text earlier today for a little powwow, saying we need to discuss a few things. As the four of us get settled in his and Rodney’s room, Gareth paces.
“Danica and the girls are a problem,” Gareth says, stating the obvious. After the incident in the library between Kennedy and Danica, I wondered how long it was going to take Gareth to form a plan. There is no doubt in my mind he has one. Since I was there to see things unfold, my mind plays the memory again.
That defiant gleam Kennedy had stirred something in me. Watching her defend the smaller girl, someone she just met, is a credit to her character.
Deciding to play Devil’s Advocate so we are prepared for every outcome, my voice breaks through Gareth’s speech.
“What are we going to do if the Pussy Patrol learns the truth of Kennedy’s identity?”
Rodney goes pale just thinking of his father and the accident, causing me to want to punch myself for bringing it up. Gareth doesn’t miss a beat.
“We already know the truth. Danica, Simone, Cecelia, and Trish already have it in for her. Knowing her real identity will make little difference,” Gareth states matter-of-factly.
“Alright then, what do we want to do with Kennedy?” Ashton asks hesitantly.
A grin takes over my face as I stretch my arms, lacing my fingers together and cracking my knuckles.
“We play.”
The guys all start laughing their asses off at my straight-to-the-point statement.
We toss around a few more ideas of how to prepare for the Pussy Patrol and shutting them down. Gareth also fills us in on a few ideas he has for Kennedy.