Page 46 of Hazing Her
When is her punishment taking place?
Where is her punishment taking place?
Saturday, our room.
I’ll bring popcorn.
See if you can check and see if she learned from yesterday.
Okay, I’ll let you know.
All during class, Kennedy seems nervous, casting glances my way. Keeping her in my peripheral as I try to pay attention, but thoughts of getting my hands on her body again has my dick hard enough to hammer nails through a two-by-four. As soon as class is over, my feet quickly make up the distance between us, bringing me to Kennedy’s side.
“Being rebellious, Duchess?” I purr. She looks at me from the corner of her eye, saying nothing. “No snarky comment?”
Once we clear the classroom, I move us into an alcove, away from prying eyes and ears.
“Rodney, I will ask you the same thing I asked Callum last night. What do you guys want from me?” Kennedy says, her voice shaking with nerves, trying to deflect my questions.
Ignoring her words, and pressing my hard cock against her belly, leaning closer to whisper in her ear. “Are you wearing your plug or looking for an extra punishment?”
Her face turns beet red, raising her chin slightly as she answers. “No.”
Deciding to let her go—for now—so that she can think that she has won, my cock pushes against my zipper. She turns, walking away, and I call out to her retreating form. “Which question was that answering?” Her only answer is the raising of her middle finger. “Game on, Duchess,” I mutter under my breath, letting out a soft chuckle.
Not sure she is wearing the plug. I asked if she was or was looking for extra punishment. Her answer was, ‘No’.
She also shot me the bird.
Once again, my side of the room is trashed, which results in me spending an hour trying to put everything back in place. I’m already on edge from walking away from Rodney after flipping him off, worried that there will be some perceived repercussions for my actions. I kept waiting for something, and it never happened. The room only made it worse.
Calista isn’t around—though her stuff is here, she rarely is, which means I typically have the room to myself. Despite my efforts to be friendly, all she ever gives me are one-word responses. As far as Groveton is concerned, two people live here, although most of the time, it’s just me. Not having anything to do or anyone to talk to since she is gone, I finally change my clothes before falling into bed, letting sleep take me.
Something isn’t right— not sure what woke me. Muted voices reach my ears, but I can’t tell how many there are. My body is floating as if being carried, occasionally getting jostled. Trying and failing to open my eyes, I try to call out and can’t. Something hard is in my mouth, tightly secured around the back of my head. Moving my hands is useless, as they are also restrained somehow, as if whoever this is wrapped me in my bedding.
How did they get into my room?
Did that guy Gage let them in?
Taking deep breaths to try and keep myself from panicking as questions spin in my head.
After a short time, my body is laid on something, a bed, maybe? Whatever I am wrapped in falls away, still unable to see, move, or speak. Suddenly, my clothes are ripped or cut from my body, leaving me naked. I try to lash out, to no avail. Finally, panic starts taking over. A familiar, deep voice speaks with a stern tone, halting my struggles.