Page 7 of Hazing Her
“Apologies, gentlemen. Would you care for a cup of coffee?”
Not waiting for an answer, I rush from the room, wondering how long it is appropriate to hide in the kitchen.
The suspense kills us; our fathers flew to Pennsylvania early this morning to discuss a business deal with a man who wants to offer his daughter as part of it. After Gareth, Callum, Ashton, and I hit the gym, the track, and then grab breakfast, we figure that would give our fathers time to meet this prospective bride. Not that any of us are ready to get married; we are still in the middle of college.
We drew straws to see which of us was calling our old man, Ashton, lost. Gareth’s father is in court today, so he was unable to travel with our fathers. Sitting in Callum’s bedroom, Ashton puts his phone on speaker and calls his dad. It rings, then the sound of his father’s voice emerges from the phone, laughter in his voice.
“Hello, boys. Is it safe to assume that all four of you are there? How can I help you?”
Callum starts pacing around the room, making me dizzy.
“Dad, we wanted to know what she looked like,” Ashton says urgently.
“Boys, while a pretty package is good, sometimes you need a little more between the ears to make a relationship work.”
Gareth moans out, flopping backward onto the bed in frustration. “Fuck that means she is a dog. So, you guys can have her.”
Mr. Delroy lets out a chuckle before responding. “Actually…quite the contrary, she is very fetching.”
Callum and I look at each other simultaneously, mouthing the word “fetching.” Gareth elbows me so we don’t laugh out loud. Ashton continues his conversation with his father, letting the rest of us listen in.
“So, if she is pretty, does that mean she is dumb as a box of rocks?”
“Ashton, I will let your comment slide. She is rather intelligent as well. She is majoring in finance and mentioned a second major in statistics. Her father stated that her grades are stellar. They rival yours. She was second highest in her high school graduating class.”
“Well, if she is pretty and smart, something has to be wrong with her,” Ashton says defeatedly, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“What makes you say that?”
“If she is that perfect, why hasn’t some other guy scooped her up by now? Everything that you are saying leads us to believe she is perfect.”
“Her dating status has more to do with her father’s control than anything else.”
A faint knock sounds in the background.
“Just one moment, boys… Come in.”
“Sorry to interrupt Bentley. We are getting ready to leave.” An unknown male voice states. His tone is tainted with irritation as if Mr. Delroy taking a call is an inconvenience due to not having Bentley’s undivided attention.
“Thank you. I will be out as soon as my phone call is finished.” It takes a moment for Doctor Delroy to get back on the line. “Sorry about that. From what I can tell, she would be a good match for any of you. Her manners are spot on, she is pretty and dresses nicely, and since she comes from money, she won’t be looking to take yours. None of you must make any decisions yet. Once we get home, all of us can get together and discuss this over dinner. I must go. We will talk soon.”
Roused from my sleep by the incessant ringing of my cell phone and the landline, I fumble in the dark for the evil device. No sooner does my hand brush the edge of the damn thing, knocking it to the floor, it stops ringing. Leaning over the bed and grabbing the current bane of my existence, my hand curls around it.
Throwing myself back onto the pillows in frustration, it rings again, causing me to jump. Not recognizing the number, I accept the call anyway. If nothing else, but to ream the moron calling me a new asshole.
While annoyed, my voice is still sleepy.
“Kennedy, it’s about damn time you answered.”
The urgency in Father’s tone causes me to sit up in bed. A quick glance at the clock shows it’s just after one in the morning.
“Father, where are you?”