Page 165 of Until Now
But I wanted her to see. I’m leaving tomorrow. And I’m too much of a fucking coward to say the words—
I pinch the bridge of my nose. Rip off the bowtie and thrown it on the bed. My shirt follows.
I can’tbreathe.
Why can’t I breathe?
I sit on the edge of the bed and run my hands down my face.
Ileap up from my bed and pace the length of the room. I’m surprised I don’t wear a path in the marble.
Maybe I’m making it weird by acting like this.
Maybe I just need to calm the fuck down and stop being dramatic.
My mouth is so dry.
I need a drink.
Yeah, a drink would be nice right now.
My hand closes around the door handle.
Maybe I should just talk to her like nothing happened. Like I didn’t just bear my heart to her.
I doubt she even knows. I’ve never told her.
But fuck, she looked beautiful tonight. I didn’t have to tell her, because I couldn’t hide it on my face. I couldn’t stop staring at her.
I leap from the bed and lunge for the door.
Iopen the door and he’s there, waiting for me.
I suppress the urge to slam the door in his face, because holy hell, he’s shirtless.
I gulp, deliberately avoiding his eyes. I focus on his pec, the heavy rise and fall of his chest.
‘I was just getting a drink,’ I manage to say.
He looks like he wants to say something, but he steps aside, letting me pass.
He follows me to the kitchen, and I pretend it doesn’t bother me. I pretend I don’t want to turn around and lunge at him and gasp his name.
My hands tremble, and I’m surprised the glass doesn’t shatter in my death-grip. I don’t turn as I sip the water, but I can’t ignore him forever.
He watches me, his eyes bright in the light from the hall. He still wears his dress pants, and I steal a glance at the deep V pointing to exactly what I want. He catches my look, because he makes a sound low in his throat, and I grip the edge of the counter to steady myself.
‘I just need to say something,’ we say in unison, and we smile and laugh.
I dip my head to hide my blush, but his gaze follows the movement, and his lips twitch. ‘You first,’ I whisper.
For a moment he says nothing. He simply stares at me. And then he throws something onto the island; it makes a heavy slap as it lands.