Page 39 of Got Me Feeling
My mouth has gone all dry. I'm sure Roman's talking about me being more expressive when we have sex, so why does it feel like his words carry more weight?
"I will," I rasp. "I'll speak up."
"I promise."
Those two dark orbs stay on me until a soft smile breaks out over his lips. "Good."
He leans over and kisses me. "Now what wouldyoulike to do?"
"Why do I feel like this is a trick question?" I say, trying to lighten things up a little.
"Not a trick, but it is a test of sorts. A chance for you to tell me whatyouwant. Nothing else matters."
"But what about you?"
"Right now, I'm good with whatever you decide. As long as you make the decision foryou."
Hearing those words from him does something to me. Turns me on, yes, but it's more than that. Roman makes me feel a lot of things. Safe. Wanted. Important. But now he's added another thing to the list.
I know that right now, I can tell him what I truly want, and he'll go along with it. It's an incredible feeling.
"I would like to have sex with you," I begin. "Butthis has been a big night, and my head's all over the place at the moment. So I guess what I'd like is…"
I think about it to make sure I'm certain before I say, "I'd like for us to sleep together, nothing more, and maybe have a round of sex in the morning. If that works for you?"
I don't think I've ever seen Roman smile so big.
He's beaming. Like he's proud of me.
"Thatdefinitelyworks for me."
* * *
"Yeah. Like that. Right there."
Roman's entire face scrunches in concentration as he thrusts into the spot that's making me see stars.Poundinginto me—doing that all the way out, then all the way back in thing—over and over, like the fuck machine he is.
I'm glad we waited until the morning to have sex. Last night was too intense. There would have been no way of going from the heaviness of all the stuff we told each other tothis.
"Wait. I have an idea."
Roman stops with half his cock inside me. "What is it?"
"Come back in," I murmur. "All the way in."
He does.
"Push in even more."
He does, and my breath catches. I haveneverfelt this full in my entire life.
"What do you want, baby? Tell me."
Looking into his eyes, I say, "Stay here. Don't move."