Page 51 of Got Me Feeling
Cheers, hollering, everyone yelling outcongratulations… Yeah, none of that happens.
Everyone's faces remain stoic as they all silently, in eerie, robotic unison, get up from their seats.
I glance over at Locky, who's just as confused as I am.
They file out of the dining room, no one uttering a word.
"What the fuck?" I say, as Locky and I follow them onto the back patio.
When we get there, they're all standing in a straight line, facing away from us.
"Uh, guys?" Locky calls out. "Everything okay?"
No response.
He turns to me. "Did we just say some secret words to unlock a parallel universe or something?"
"Or something is right," I mutter, staring at the row of backs.
Then one of them yells out, "Three, two, one!"
They all spin around, sweaters lifted, to reveal their shirts underneath. Each T-shirt is emblazoned with a letter.
From left to right they read,W E L L , D U H !
"How the fuck did you guys know?" I ask, raising a suspicious eyebrow my brother's way.
"Don't look at me," Bishop says. "I kept my mouth shut."
"It's been so obvious, you guys," Tyler says with a huge smile.
"S-s-so happy for y-y-you b-both!"
"We all are," Daly adds.
"And, even better, we get to be cat uncles!" Fulton declares, answering the question of what's going to happen with some of—okay, probably all of—Joey's brothers and sisters.
"Now, let's get a photo for Harmony. She could use some good news."
"What's wrong with Harmony?" Locky asks.
"Banned from Grindr for life," Gus says, shaking his head. "She's takin' it pretty rough."
"The good news," Tate says, "is that now all her Vet Shop Boys have found love, she doesn't need it anymore."
"True dat," I say as I kneel next to Locky in front of the group, smiling so big my cheeks feel like they're going to explode, posing for a series of selfies next to the man I love.
Someday, maybe even one day in the not-too-distant future, I can see myself in this same position, down on one knee, before him.
He's given me a whole new lease on life, and I already know I want to spend forever with him.
But for now, it's cheesy grins all the way.
"How are you so good at sucking cock?" I ask Roman, who's currently doing a tremendous job deepthroating me in bed.