Page 14 of When Sinners Fear
“I'm not going to hurt you. You're going to hurt you. You do that and I'll keep my hands away.” I shove her away from me, disgusted with the feel of her, and head back to my seat. “Fuck the damn chair. I can promise you, the next throw, if I have to make it, won’t hit wood.”
She moves towards it at that threat, now shaking with fear and trying her best to seem in control. She’s not in control in any way. Women don’t control me, especially not street trash who think they’re worth something other than the profit I’m aiming for. The only one who did was Mother, and she’s nothing but dirt beneath our feet anymore.
Stuttering and squealing begins, as she uses her body awkwardly to manoeuvre her way onto the chair leg. There’s nothing seductive about it anymore. She’s turning into a fucking mess and is now beginning to cry as I look on. The steel starts disappearing into her probably tight little pussy, and she whines and whimpers at the feel of it, mumbling prayers to God. He won’t help. No one will, and she’s damn lucky I didn’t get into pissed mode because a chair leg would be the least of her problems. Thank fuck the seduction attempt has stopped, too, because this fragility and fear is far more fascinating to me. Will be to Halton, too.
“Spread wider. Get it in until it hurts, and then start fucking it.” The tears start falling heavier at her embarrassment and humiliation as she angles differently and drops further down. “Good.” They're good tears. Real tears. Tears that make her seem vulnerable and weak. They'll serve her well. “Keep crying for me, Twelve. Beg for it to stop.” It won’t, though. It never stops for this type of asset.
But maybe she’ll live with the right training.
Showered and changed, I head out of my place and start the journey towards the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology. It gives me time to remember the visions of blood that came out of Twelve’s pussy for a while. Scars will help her, though. They’ll harden her insides up. It might be a fucked thought process, but I know what she’ll go through in the hands of someone like him. Maybe he doesn’t like bruises on the outside, but he likes them on the inside. All those types do. They like to know that that pain was theirs to win and to think about. She’ll serve him well in that way if she keeps behaving like she did for me.
The tears were cute, too. Amusing
I pull in and park off the street next to the museum. It’s clearly not busy. No one is interested in science enough to put any effort into learning about it. It’s just seen as being there and useful but being of no use to learn. Scientists learn what they need to, and they achieve greatness because of it. They use their minds to evaluate and analyse, to find solutions and answers to life’s unending questions. Cure some illnesses, make a new power source, build a bomb, invent a killer serum to destroy half the earth. Relatively fascinating. It’s a shame I don’t need to study it like those other students had to. I just look at it in text form and understand it. Imprint it somehow.
Peyton’s waiting for me up at the entrance. She smiles and waves, seemingly excited about me arriving. That’s cute, too. As is the lemon-coloured floral dress she’s in and the appropriately relaxed heels she’s wearing. Precious really. The fact that there are still people like her in the world – those who don’t know how corrupt and vile this world is – holds a sweetness that’s long since been lost in me.
“Hi,” she says as I approach.
I push straight into her, softening my lips against her cheek for some charm. “Hello. You look lovely.” She blushes and looks at the floor, then brings her stare right back up at me. I take a moment this close up, letting her feel what it's like to be under me. “Did you just catch yourself being embarrassed by a compliment, Peyton?”
Her hand chases her hair behind her ear. “Yes. I’m not used to it.”
Turning away, I crook my arm for her. “You should be. You’re entirely beautiful.” She slides her arm through mine awkwardly, then seems to shake herself down about something. “Do I make you so nervous?”
“Yes, you’re a little intimidating.”
I chuckle and head us towards the building. “You should see me in the afternoons. I’m a pussy cat come evening time. I am, however, fucking abysmal in the mornings. You’d be wise to remember that.” She stops and tries sliding her arm out of mine. “Don’t do that. I’m being honest with you, Peyton. If you’d like to enjoy the day and see where this might go between us, accept the honesty for what it is.”
I watch her hover her arm as if unsure. She’s right to be because I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with her yet or who I’m going to be for her.
Still, she tightens her grip again, after a beat or two, and looks back at the building. “Okay. Honesty is good. I’d like to know you well.” I doubt she would.
It is my truth – I’d like to get to know Knox. Although, I’m anxious about what that might bring. Instead of focusing on him, I let myself get lost in the date itself.
“I haven’t been to this place since I was a child. I used to beg my mom to bring me after school when I was really little. The idea of science fascinated me. I didn’t know what to measure this place against, and when you’re young, you look at everything in awe. At least I did for a while.”
“You sound hardened to that being a thing of the past. As you’ve told me, you’re only twenty. That’s young.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t be nostalgic.”
We walk around the exhibits, taking in the old technology and communication displays. It’s pretty remarkable how far the advancement in this area has come in only a few decades. Being here makes you realise you shouldn’t take things for granted.
“Let’s go for a drink.”
“A drink? We’re at the science museum. Wouldn’t coffee be more appropriate?”
“If I was looking for appropriate, yes. We’re in a museum, and while I appreciate math and science, these exhibits are ancient. We need spice.”
The date doesn’t need spice with Knox, but something about him makes me want to say yes. The sensible and logical head on my shoulders seems to be throwing caution to the wind. “Okay. Lead the way.”
He offers his arm like a gentleman again, and awkwardly, I take it as he leads me to the far end of the museum. People stare at us, and I'm happy to see there’s a convention area, complete with a bar, so I can hide a little.