Page 27 of When Sinners Fear
If I’m out of this cage, I’m closer to killing Reed.
If nothing else, that’s useful to me.
Weary limbs pull me upright, and I hold the cage bars for support while I balance. Everything aches and burns, and another rally of pain swarms round in me. I step forward and wait, looking at Reed for him to unlock the gate. He chuckles some more and directs one of the dicks over, lifting his chin as if sending silent commands.
The moment it’s open, I let out a hard right fist at the guy’s jaw. He buckles in surprise and stumbles backwards, ass landing on the floor and dust pluming upwards.
“Cunt,” mutters out of me.
“Careful, Knox,” Reed grits.
“Why?” I walk over to him, watching him press that gun into Peyton’s head some more. “You’re not gonna kill her yet. You’ve got a show to watch.” He backs off a step, but keeps the gun aimed at her. “What sick shit do you want to see first? You need some lessons?” I chuckle and watch him frown, amused at his uncertainty despite all this around me. It makes me step at him, hard and fast. He rushes backwards, gun aimed at me instead.
“I die, she dies,” he snarls, looking behind me.
I look over my shoulder and see the other dick now with his gun out, the muzzle pressed against Peyton’s head. “Like I give a damn.”
He pushes it harder, making her buckle away from it and yelp. “You don’t win here, Knox. I do,” Reed continues. “Hurt her.”
“Whatever.” Turning, I haul her up until she’s on her feet. She stares at me, blinking back any last tears she thinks she’s got. There are far more yet, and the immediate slap I send at her face, twice as hard as the one she’s already felt, lets her know that. Her eyes widen as she falls backwards to the wall and wails out her pain and surprise. I send another one at her the moment she regains balance, watching her face swipe past under my hand.
Knees giving way under her, she sobs a cry of agony and lets herself dangle from the chain, so I drag her up by her hair again until she’s close to me. All the dicks around us scatter backwards slowly, and Reed takes a seat in the middle of the room to watch.
“Peyton,” I murmur. “Stay with me.” She cries out again as I twist her hair harshly. “Eyes on me. Just me and you’ll be fine.” She looks up at me and swallows her tears as if wanting to answer or talk that through. There’s no room for fucking talking. I’m the one who knows pain here, and I’m the one that’s going to try to limit that as best I can.
Right breast in my hand, and I twist the nipple severely and yank her head back until she’s resting awkwardly on my chest. “What show do you want, Reed?” He doesn’t know anything about pain. Not like I do. He only knows pissing around with cheap ass pussy and some occasional hard-core with something that will let him play. I live this shit, and these tears of hers mean nothing to me other than a burden that’s fucking eating me for some unknown reason.
My hand leaves her breast and travels down her stomach, inching under the panties. She squirms like she’s never been touched there. My own damn dick rages instantly against her back.
“I want you to hurt her, Knox. Really fucking hurt the bitch.” He gets up and walks the room, eventually coming back with my own goddamn blade in his hand. “I want you to take something that means something to you and destroy it.” The blade skitters across the floor at me, and he sits again with some kind of victorious smile on his face. “You know how to destroy things, don’t you? Do it. Get it inside her. And get that fucking wrapping out the way first. I want to see the blood.”
“Oh God ... Jesus, no, no, no,” Peyton mumbles, quietly, as she shakes. I yank her head again, chastising her for speaking. The less she speaks, the more chance she’s got of surviving this.
I reach for the blade and watch dick number one with his gun still aimed at both of us. He smirks and trains it back on her again, walking to the side for a better angle.
“You look good like that, Knox. Fucked up and battered suits you.”
“Doesn't matter what happens here, Reed. You’ll die one way or another.” A shot sounds instantly from the side of us, and I pull Peyton to me as the bullet reverberates close to her.
“Now, now. Manners,” Reed says, chuckling. I slice the side of the panties off, tearing them until they’re discarded to the floor. “That’s it. Now, get it in her.” I spin the blade in my hand, levering the shank until it’s upwards. “You know that’s not what I want.” I’m torn all the way in two. One fucking throw and this blade lands right in Reed’s heart. Vengeance over. But she’ll die, maybe I’ll die, too, and then where are we? Everyone dead and no way of reversing that.
“Stay still,” I mutter to her. She’s still shaking, and now absolutely rigid in my hold. I flip the blade again and stare at Reed’s fucking face, desperate to rip the skin off it. “Open your legs.” She shakes her head, her whole body vibrates, but they inch slowly, so I jerk at her head again for more immediacy. Everything, from now on, needs to be done at command. It’s all I’ve got to keep her in some kind of safe space.
Two of my fingers sink inside her first to trace the angle. She gasps and moves, enough so that this blade would have sliced the hell out of her.
“Shame she’s not a virgin,” Dick two says. “I like a tight hole. Ass looks good.”
“Yeah. Fuck. Tight little ass and pussy.” That’s dick two.
Sneering, I lift the blade in my hand, and let them have their banter about tight fucking holes and virgins. Gives me a chance to catch a glimpse of her eyes for a second. They’re still full of fear, and still fucking beautiful. “Stay real still, Peyton. No noise, I fucking mean it,” I whisper.
The blade slides inside her before she knows I’m doing it, sharp edge toward her ass and my finger covering some of it. Pressure stops me going deeper, and the groan I want to let out gets breathed back in. She is a virgin. My virgin. Guess she still is.
I twist the steel a little to break that piece of skin for her. She wheezes slowly, and bites down on her lip, as if trying to contain her pain. “Good girl.”
“He really fucking did it, man!” Dick two says. “Fuck. Never seen a blade in a pussy before.”
“Blood, Knox. Fuck her with it,” Reed says. There’s already blood. It’s coming down the blade and shank now from this blade taking her virginity, but as I pull out, I help create more by slicing the backside of her a little. My hand and fingers get wet pretty quick, and then all I’ve got is holding her rigid and making her stay in the position she’s in as it goes in and out of her. I can hear her breathing quicken every time the hilt hits the entrance of her pussy. She’s still rigid, but damn if her breath isn't catching under the feeling I’m creating. It's probably pain related, but it’s a sound I’ll never forget. Desperate breaths, some haunting fucking melody, like this is terrifying for her.