Page 65 of For Him
“So what now?” I buried my face into his chest as the door pushed open behind him. The sheriff was back to ask questions and get my story.
“Now?” He buried his face against the top of my head. “Now I need to sit down with your father. Then I’d like to come a courtin’ you if that’s something you’d agree to,” he whispered against the top of my head.
While that wasn’t something people did anymore, I loved the idea of it, especially coming from him.
Because for him, I’d do anything.
The sun shone brightly through the curtains, nothing else was awake. I sat upon the edge of my bed waiting for the day to begin. Waiting for something that my father should’ve been here for.
He would’ve gone to Weston’s bachelor party yesterday. Cash, his brothers, his dad, even my own brother had gone hunting with him. The only person that had been missing was my dad, someone that Weston had become very close to in the last couple months of his life. How ironic it was that someone my father once thought was horrible, became one of his closest confidants.
My eyes wandered to the dresser where a picture of my daddy sat next to the one of Weston and I when he’d proposed. At least he’d been there for that, knowing that his daughter would be taken care of for the rest of her life.
Things had surely changed in the past ten months. Everyone knew who Weston was now, his new best friend being the older lady at the diner. She always gave him a discount, and we ate there often. Doc had semi-retired and I was running the majority of the clinic, with consultation from Doc of course. We were even discussing hiring another vet.
My life seemed picture perfect to the outside world, yet those who truly knew me knew there was a piece that was missing on this big day.
My brother would be walking me down the aisle in place of my father, which was beautiful in thought, yet I couldn’t help but feel a small tinge of sorrow. I missed him something fierce. He was supposed to be here on my wedding day. I'd imagined this moment so many times growing up that I wasn’t sure I could do it without him.
A soft knock sounded on my bedroom door before light cracked through the open space. My sweet mom peaked around the edge, her hair pulled up in rollers that matched my crazy morning look.
“Good morning, bride-to-be,” she softly said, and I gave her a small smile. “Missing your dad?”
I nodded, and bit back the tears that were misting upon the edges of my eyes. “He was supposed to be here. He was supposed to be the one to walk me down the aisle.” My lip trembled as my mom sat down upon the edge of the bed.
“And who says he isn’t?” she calmly replied. I stared at her as a tear slid down my cheek. My mom rubbed my shoulders as I leaned against her. I could do this. Because I had so many people to remind me of how much my father loved me and how proud he was of everything I’d become.
And because of Weston.
He’d been my rock during the grief I’d felt following my father’s death. Not once did he press me to heal faster or give more than I could. Honestly, I saw much of my father in him. Those two had been more alike than I think either of them would’ve ever admitted. It was such a comforting and joyous thing.
“Are you going to be okay all by yourself here?” I asked, breaking the silence. It was only now that I realized that my mother would be living completely alone after tonight. We had slowly been moving most of my stuff into Weston’s home, leaving a few things behind that I would need up until today.
“Of course, sweetie. It’s not like you are going that far. Besides, Maddie and her husband have been chatting, and they are going to move in with me. They need some help babysitting the kiddos while they’re at work with Maddie’s new job,” she answered and stood up from the bed.
I glared at her in shock. “Why wouldn’t you tell me any of that?”
She chuckled and glanced at the gold watch around her wrist. “Because you had enough to worry about. Now hurry up and get your things, we have a wedding to get ready for.”
Trixie was pinning the veil into the back of my curls. Simple waves that left my hair long down my back. Weston always mentioned how beautiful he found my hair when it was left down. I had more makeup on than I’d probably ever worn before, applied perfectly by Weston’s sister, Pearl. His mom stood in the corner with my mom, observing the final touches and waiting for the time to help me pull my dress on.
Simple off the shoulder satin dress. Not a single sparkly bead in sight with a detachable train that gave some definition to my figure while still adding some beautiful timeless elegance. It was everything I could have dreamt of. Even the day was perfect. One of the few days of the year that Montana actually had a fall. Bright oranges, yellows, and reds painted the leaves. The clear blue sky added warmth to the dark emerald and garnet color scheme we’d picked.
The dress was pulled down from the hanger and brought my way. I stepped into it with a heavy, beating heart. The wedding planner had just announced that it was time. The beautiful cream room off to the side of our small town’s church glowed in anticipation as my mom began doing up the pearl buttons in the back of the dress.
I lifted my feet to step into the heels, wondering what Weston looked like and feeling nothing but excitement. A warm blanket seemed to wrap around my shoulders as Nancy handed me my bouquet. For a moment, I could’ve sworn that my daddy was here to escort me down to the man waiting for me.
“You look absolutely stunning,” Nancy whispered, a comforting smile upon her face. I grinned back as the wedding planner popped her head back into the room.
“Let’s go! We are waiting on the bridesmaids.” She ushered my sister, Weston’s sister, Trixie, and Elena out of the room. I trailed slowly behind Nancy while my mom walked beside me. We stepped out into the hallway, the soft music from the rustic chapel pouring out of the door that my bridesmaids were slowly walking through.
There was my brother, waiting beside the door looking so much like my dad. I sniffed back some tears realizing that he truly was here. Although it was Luke who was physically here, my father would be right beside me, too. My mom and Nancy both gave me soft kisses upon my cheeks and then disappeared into the chapel.
I stared at the doors that were now shut. Large, dark brown, oak doors that were thick and arched along the top. Weston was waiting in there for me, the beginning of the rest of my life was waiting. My heart raced in my chest, pounding so heavily I could hear it echo throughout the now still hallway.