Page 26 of Imperfectly Ours
Food. Dinner was next and needed soon, before the sun sank in the horizon and we watched the Christmas Tree lighting. There was so much we hadn’t been able to do today that I really wanted to, so much to discuss, but it seemed that Tenley wasn’t entirely upset.
At least I hoped she wasn’t.
“Keaton’s a good kid,” she coldly replied, and I knew.
“Try again,” I sharply said.
She rolled her eyes. “How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Always know when I’m not being entirely upfront with you.” She pursed her lips.
“You get this little wrinkle beside your right eyebrow. Just the inside of the right one.” I brushed a finger across her skin, caressing the crinkle lightly. She shuddered against my touch. And I quickly pulled my hand away.
“Why wouldn’t you mention that you play guitar? Or sing? Or why is it that you didn’t try to get me out of the invite?” she blurted out as we slowly began to wade through the sea of people.
“It never really came up before this. And get you out?”
“Yes! Take a long, good, hard think about what Keaton has now created. Plus, you won’t be able to touch me without giving it away. Kind of like now!”
“What?” There were a thousand things she was going on about, and I was completely lost. I knew that Keaton had just thrown us into a mess, but what was she going on about me not touching her right now?
“Are we not dating?!” she shrieked, stopping directly in front of me. I studied her face for a moment, her lips pulled tight.
“We are.”
“Then why aren’t you holding my hand right now? Or better yet, why don’t you kiss me whenever you want? Your family isn’t around right now, since most of the time they’ve been at that rodeo. Why is it that—”
I cut her off and crashed my lips against hers.
Cupping her cheeks, I pulled her tighter against me. My mouth desperately melting with hers.
Hard, strong, breathless. I kissed her.
Breaking apart panting, I let myself hover close to her face. “Sometimes you need to stop talking,” I growled, and pressed my lips against hers again.
She exhaled softly, fisting the front of my sweater, and jerking me forward. A couple grumbles floated to my ears from people around us, but I didn’t care. I kissed her. Again and again, deeper and deeper, I kissed Tenley.
Eventually, she parted her lips, and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She tasted sweet, with a hint of nutmeg from the gingerbread she’d stolen earlier. It was soft, warm, and velvety as I slid my hands from her face and wrapped them around her waist.
She smiled against my kiss, and I slowly, very leisurely, eventually pulled away from her. Holding her waist firmly she blushed and ducked her head beneath my chin. “I could really go for some alone time with you right now,” she muttered against my sweater.
“You and me both, darling,” I whispered. She had no idea.
Her fingers twisted the front of my shirt tighter, digging in as her breathing did not seem to slow.
“You weren’t lying,” she muttered.
“I’ve never lied to you,” I stated.
She pulled away and rolled her eyes.
“You know what I’m talking about,” she whispered, her cheeks bright pink.
“Do I?” I winked, teasing her. I knew exactly what she was referring to. The exact moment she’d made a slightly dirty comment when I’d forgotten my clothes. And we were toying a thinly dangerous line at the moment.
Sighing, she eventually let go of my sweater. “Let’s go check in with my family, cowboy,” she mumbled.