Page 51 of Imperfectly Ours
I clenched my jaw as Butch suddenly shrank against his mom. “Grandma, I didn’t mean—”
“Quiet!” my mom hissed at him, and Pearl reached out for her son. Butch looked at me, his eyes wide and innocent. Shooting back in full force was the child that I’d been trying to protect all along. That was the reason, and the only one I needed. Yeah, maybe keeping it from Pearl and Cash wasn’t the best thing to do, but I wasn’t his father, as he so clearly pointed out earlier.
My mom’s gaze narrowed in on me. “I don’t understand. Lying to me. Hiding things like you’re an impulsive, hormonal teenager. For what purpose? To destroy my ranch and the reputation that I’ve worked so hard to build?”
Anger roared in my belly at those words. I took a deep breath, steadying the fire that was raging in my eyes.
A stiff smile spread across her face, and she looked at Rosemary and Irene. “You know, I’m thinking that with the friends that will be attending tomorrow, your family would feel uncomfortable attending. I think it would be best if you guys no longer came. And that includes Tenley.”
I blinked in shock and blind rage.
Rosemary nodded swiftly, grabbing Irene’s hand without hesitation. “Excuse us,” she muttered and quickly slipped back outside.
“Excuse me?” I snarled once they were gone.
“Don’t start with me boy!” she stated coldly, stomping my way. “I seriously can’t believe you. You’re an adult and supposed to be setting a good example for those around you. Especially those younger than you. This is so unlike you. Do you not realize how damaging you can be for Tenley’s reputation?” Her voice broke with the last sentence.
My head swam with her words, but none of them were making sense. All I’d wanted was to give Tenley one perfect date, and now things were spiraling. It made no sense to me how much of an uproar this was causing my mom, her reaction was so overwhelming that I wasn’t able to quite process it at this moment. I knew she cared about the family’s reputation, but I didn’t think I was that much of a sore spot for her.
But the one thing I did know, that did make sense, was the fact that I needed to fix my mistake with Butch. While Butch was in this room. While I had his attention. That I could process.
Looking at him, I sighed, wondering where to begin. All I’d wanted was to make sure that he and Charlotte were smart about things. That they didn’t end up making an adult decision that could result in adult consequences while they were experiencing new love.
“Butch, I’m sorry. I just wanted to—” I began, ignoring my mother.
Which made things worse.
“This isn’t about him right now!” she shouted, her hurt and jealousy rising in her throat, and I was done.
I snapped my gaze back to my mom and snarled. “And this isn’t your damn ranch.”
The room went silent as my mom’s eyes widened.
Pearl inhaled sharply, and Butch’s mouth fell open. Shocked. It had been years since I’d sworn out loud so others could hear. But it had also been years since I’d felt so much hurt and betrayal by a woman I cared so deeply about. This was my mom. And she’d just sliced a knife directly between Tenley and me. Between my family and her family, straining the budding relationship that I was so deeply invested in.
Inhaling deeply, I made eye contact with Butch once more and spoke directly to him. “I’m really sorry about what happened with Charlotte. All I wanted was to keep things safe between you two, but I’m not your dad, and I was trying to not cross that line. Except I can see now that I messed up.”
His shoulders sagged and he looked at the ground. “I know,” he whispered.
I gave him a single nod, accepting his apology, and returned my gaze to my mom. “I’m done, I ain’t coming to your precious party. Tenley’s not there, then neither am I.” I turned around without another word and stormed out of the house.
Ruined. Christmas was ruined. Everything was ruined. They could deal with this party on their own. Finish setting up on their own. If my mom wasn’t willing to have the woman I loved around, then I wouldn’t be around either. Screw this.
Chapter 17
Istared at the empty fireplace in front of me. It was dark, late at night, but I couldn’t sleep. Both my mom and Pearl tried several times today to talk to me. Even Cash at one point approached, but I wasn’t having it. I was too exhausted and confused with everything. The words directed at me, full of jealousy and hurt, tumbled around in my head.
Everything around me looked so dull, felt lifeless. The lights on my Christmas tree sparkled a little dimmer, and the decorations seemed hollow. The reds and greens weren’t as vibrant, even the smiles on the ornaments and Santas scattered about my house weren’t nearly as large.
I felt cold. Empty.
So entirely broken and lonely. What was so wrong about choosing my own path for how I wanted to handle my courtship with Tenley? Why’d Tenley have to go and make my heart feel so soft and gooey that I did things I normally wouldn’t?
Shaking my head, I knew what I wanted right now, where I wanted to be, and who I wanted to see. Even if it seemed not the best timing, I didn’t want to be here by myself anymore.
Standing up, I quietly walked to my front door and snatched my truck’s keys off of the hook above the light switch.