Page 67 of Imperfectly Ours
“I know, Tenley.” I leaned forward and pecked her lips.
“Is it going to be hard to escape without anyone noticing?” she asked and slid off of my legs.
“Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve never actually attended this portion of the Christmas Eve party before.” I grimaced.
“Oh,” she sighed. “You smell like a hospital by the way.”
I blinked, a little startled by her sudden shift in focus. “What?”
“Sorry, but it’s getting a little pungent.” She scooted farther away from me across the bed.
“I’ll go take a shower then, Miss Attitude.” I rolled sideways and flopped my feet against the floorboards. Lifting a brow, I gave her a sly grin. “Care to join?”
Her cheeks turned bright red. “Get out of here.” She kicked a leg toward me, ushering me across the hall and into the bathroom.
Chapter 23
Iwrapped the damp towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom, back into her room. Tenley shot out of her closet and shoved something behind her back. I furrowed my brows. That was suspicious.
“What’s going on?” I asked, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.
“I want to give you a present early.” She bounced between her toes.
Tipping my head, I studied her for a moment. “A present? Meaning you have more than one for me?”
She nodded fervently and pulled a rectangularly shaped present out from behind her back. There was cute red wrapping paper with green Christmas trees speckled across it. A small, golden bow with sparkles was taped in the middle, and a tag that read ‘To: My Cowboy’ was tied around it.
Tenley placed it on the messy bed and clasped her hands behind her back. “Go on. Open it.”
My heart jumped in my chest, my skin prickling. I wasn’t going to admit it, but I was extremely excited to be opening a present from her. Though there was a part of me that was a little worried about what it might be. This was Tenley, after all.
Tipping it on its side, I grabbed an edge she’d taped together and pulled. Ripping the wrapping paper off, I laid the white, plain box back on the bed and reached for the lid. Tugging it open, I set the top of the box to the side and gently pulled apart the crinkle tissue paper.
My brows raised. Sitting neatly folded on top was a green wild rag, matching the bright forest color of her eyes. Small candy canes were scattered across the silk fabric, and I chuckled. Believe it or not, I genuinely liked it. It was my style with a twist of Tenley.
Glancing back into the box, I smacked my lips together and shook my head. Gently pulling the wild rag out, I grinned. Lying beneath was a bright red pearl snap shirt. Christmas trees and reindeer were patterned around the middle of the shirt. Alternating every other one, there were rows of these little holiday characters.
“What do you think?” she gushed. “I loved that Christmas sweater Millie and Keaton made you, but that’s not really your style. So I decided to find something that was your style. This way you can wear you, but with Christmas on it.”
I glanced at her, lifting a brow. “I love it,” I replied, chuckling.
She frowned. “You’re lying.”
“I am not.” I bit back a laugh. I really wasn’t. She’d put effort into the gift, I was merely overwhelmed with how happy she made me that I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Then why are you being all snarky?” She gestured at me.
“I promise, darling, I’m not. I really do love it.”
“Then wear it. Today.” She narrowed her gaze and crossed her arms.
“Done!” I grinned, and grabbed the present off of the bed. Setting it gently on the top of her dresser, I bent down and reached for my duffel.
“Your turn,” I said, pulling open the bag.
“My turn?” she gasped.
I nodded, grabbing the jeans from the carpet, and then pushed aside some clothes. Sliding out the stack of presents I honestly was surprised I’d managed to fit inside the duffel, I carried three of different sizes over to her.