Page 8 of Wild Scottish Knight
I stilled as the alarm ground to an abrupt halt and silence filled the hall.
“Sure, and that’s a bonnie lass who’s trying to break into my home now, isn’t it? Can’t decide if I’m to be flattered or angry.” The rasp of a strong masculine voice, the lilt of the Highlands dancing on his words, shivered across my skin. I trailed my eyes up from roughened work boots, over thick muscular legs clad in worn denim, and across a broad chest, until I reached a face that would give an opponent nightmares and women wicked dreams. Piercing blue eyes, rough-cut cheekbones, and thick dark hair completed the picture. Once again, I heard Matthew’s sharp inhale, knowing full well he was having the same response that I was.
“What do they serve in the water here?” Matthew whispered to me as I worked to form a coherent sentence.
“I, um, I’m sorry about that.” I gestured lamely with the keys. “I wasn’t sure where to enter.” Matthew snickered softly beside me at my words, and I flushed, immediately thinking about being entered. Knowing that my fair skin would show my embarrassment, I tore my eyes away from the walking fantasy in front of me and scanned the expansive foyer. High ceilings arched above me with intricate plaster moldings, and what looked to be a hand-painted mural with clouds and a floral design rose far above my head.
“Sorry to inform you, but we only offer tours on the weekends.” The imposing man crossed his arms over his chest, and I tried to ignore the bulge of his muscles under the flannel shirt. This wassounlike me. I was all but drooling over this man.
“Oh! We’re not here for a tour. My name is Sophie MacKnight. I, um, well, I guess I own the place.” At that, the relaxed expression on the man’s face disappeared and was replaced by ice. I involuntarily took a step back, and Matthew’s hand came to my lower back to keep me in place.
“I’m sorry. What was that you said, lass? Did you say you’re a MacKnight?” His eyes narrowed.
“I…yes, I am. Arthur MacKnight was my uncle. He’s bequeathed the castle to me with direction to restore order here. Though, honestly, I’d say it’s already in pretty good shape, wouldn’t you? I mean, the gardens alone look to be spectacular. And this foyer…well, just look at these floors. Are they travertine?” I stepped forward while looking at the ground, babbling because I was nervous, and promptly slammed into a wall of unmovable man.
“You’re the MacKnight?” The man’s lips curled as he gripped my arms to steady me. In the meantime, I had to take a few moments to recover my breath after touching this man’s chest. These were no designer muscles like Chad had developed in his Pilates class. Oh no, this man, was, well,allman. And I’m sure I’d come up with a better way to describe him after I figured out why he looked hell-bent on escorting me off the premises.
“Aye,” I said, testing out my Scottish. Matthew snorted, and the man’s nostrils flared like an angry bull ready to charge. “And you are?”
“Lachlan Campbell. I live here. And you don’t. You’ll need to be seeing yourself out.” Lachlan gripped my shoulder and made to turn me around, but I dug in my heels.
“That’s going to be a hard no from me, buddy. Take your hands off me before you learn why Jason from summer camp couldn’t walk straight for an entire week,” I bit out, keeping a sunshiney smile plastered on my face. I’m sure the combination made me look unhinged, but hopefully that only added to my threat.
“Och, you’re a tetchy one, are you? I can’t believe my life,” Lachlan grumbled, and a flurry of barking bounced through the foyer before a twelve-inch ball of terror ricocheted its way across the floor at us.
“Stop,” I said, pointing a finger at the dog, who skidded to a halt so fast that he ended up tumbling over his head. Immediately feeling horrible, I bent over and scooped the little guy up. “Sorry about that, buddy. I didn’t want you racing out into the rain and getting wet.”
The dog trembled in my arms, his dark-brown eyes wide and assessing before he lifted his snout and gave me a single lick on the chin. I guess I’d been approved.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Lachlan shook his head. “You’re meant to be a man.”
“Am I? Funny, I’m pretty sure you were the one calling me a bonnie lass just a minute ago. What’s with all the lass stuff, by the way? Is that just an act you Scots put on, or do you really use the term? Either way, I’m fairly certain we both know I’m not a man.” I glared at him, continuing to pet the trembling dog.
“If you do prefer men, however…” Matthew raised his hand next to me, earning a deathly glare from Lachlan. “No? Not the way of it?”
“While you’re handsome enough, it’s the ladies I prefer,” Lachlan said, surprising me. Some men didn’t take well to being propositioned by another man. “I’ll let you know if that changes.”
Matthew almost fainted.
“Did I hear the security alarm?” a woman’s voice called, and the dog squirmed in my arms. I bent to place him on the floor, and he raced down the hall with another flurry of barks. High-speed and loud must be his autopilot, I mused as a woman rounded the corner, wiping her hands on a tea towel. With kind eyes, a smile on her face, and an apron tied around her neck, she immediately reminded me of the mother that I wish I’d had growing up. “Oh, who’s this, then?”
“This is your knight, Hilda,” Lachlan said and grabbed a rain jacket from a coat stand by the door. Without another word, he disappeared into the downpour while we gaped after him.
“Really, the men here…” Matthew mused, tapping a finger on his lips. “Short with their words, but fascinating nonetheless.”
“Hilda?” I asked, smiling hopefully at the beaming woman, the dog dancing at her feet. “I hope you aretheHilda that I’m supposed to find. Otherwise, I’ve just broken into the wrong place. And apparently, was also born the wrong sex.”
“Och, ignore that one. He’s been a beast lately. We’ll leave him to his mood. Come on then, tea’s on.” With that, Hilda disappeared down the hallway.
“My, my, my. I do believe your adventure has begun, Sophie. And if you’re lucky, it will start with you relieving thatbeastof a man from his bad mood.” Matthew hissed into my ear.
“Oh, would you stop? He clearly doesn’t want me here.” I swatted Matthew’s arm as we picked up our suitcases. “I’ll be lucky if he ever speaks to me again. Actually, scratch that. He’ll be lucky if I ever speak to him again. I’m not interested in dealing with that kind of negativity right now. Nope, he can just stay far away from me.”
“I hear your words, but your eyes are still looking out that door for him.” Matthew laughed when I jolted and then swung the door closed on the rain. It slammed, the noise echoing through the hallway, the sound a staunch reminder that my old life was now behind me.
I guess the new Sophie did slam doors after all.