Page 46 of Wild Scottish Love
“Absolutely not. Sit.”
I managed to not poison her, which I took as a win, when she cleared her plate. We sat, nibbling at the lasagna and the crusty bread, talking about everything and nothing at all. Finally, Lia nudged her plate away and tapped her wine glass to mine.
“Compliments to the chef.”
“Really?” I had impressed even myself. It was the first time I’d made a lasagna, so I was proud that it had turned out fairly well.
“Really. Great job, and it really is a treat to have someone else cook for me. I’m so used to doing it all myself.”
“That seems to be a theme, doesn’t it?” I stood and cleared the plates, glaring at her when she tried to help. “Sit. I still have dessert.”
“Oh, you are a man after my own heart.”
Pulling out the chocolate sauce from the fridge, I put it on the counter to bring to room temperature as I opened a bottle of champagne and poured us two flutes. I had kept it simple for dessert with strawberries dipped in chocolate. I mean, I had to play to my strengths, right? Handing Lia a glass, I returned to the sink to start the dishes.
“Back to what you were saying…yes, I’ll admit, that’s a flaw of mine. I find it almost impossible to ask anyone for help. And I can’t believe how much of a problem it’s becoming here.”
“Why here? In what way?” I looked over my shoulder at Lia from where I stood at the sink. She’d stood, but only to lean against a cabinet to talk to me as I cleaned. I liked having her here, it felt cozy to me, and I wondered if normal families hung out like this…washing up after dinner and chatting about their days.
“I can barely get through the day without someone dropping in to offer help. It’s…maddening, really.” Lia shrugged, an apologetic look on her face. “It shouldn’t be, and I know it’s a me thing, but…why can’t people just trust me to get it done myself?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s a trust thing more than a community thing,” I began, but Lia barreled on.
“Some of it I get. Like, for example, Sophie wants me to buy local where I can. But I thought I would go to a supplier and order my stock. Instead, I’ve had a butcher stop by. A farmer who sells eggs only. An older woman who makes jams. A bee guy who sells honey. All of which is great. But how am I meant to supply a restaurant when I’m pulling from, like thirty different vendors? And then, it’s just…everyone’s all up in the restaurant. Offering to print menus. Offering to clean. Moving things around. I can barely turn around without tripping over someone behind me, offering to help. It’s…like…why can’t people see that I can handle it?” Lia’s voice cracked, and I froze for a moment, realizing that we’d touched on a much deeper wound here. Quickly, I dried my hands on a towel and turned to Lia.
“That’s not what’s happening, Lia,” I began, and she stopped me by lifting a trembling chin to me.
“I worked my ass off for Suzette’s. It was a dream I hadn’t dared to let myself really accept. And I took that restaurant to the top. Only to have it stolen out from under me by a douchebag son. Then I get this great opportunity here…and sure, there’s like some really big problems with it. You know, the whole Kelpies and magick stuff. But I like it here. I want to create this restaurant. On my terms. And I’m scared if I let everyone help that it will all just get taken away from me again.”
“You want to claim your ownership by doing it all yourself.” Reaching out, I ran my hands up and down her arms, only to soothe.
“Lia…I think you have to understand something about Loren Brae. Perhaps it is small towns in general, but I can only speak for the people here. Everyone is involved in everyone else’s business. There will always be gossip. They’ll see you at your worst. They’ll see you at your best. But the one thing they won’t do? Is let you fail. It’s a community, don’t you see? They’re offering to help because they want you to succeed. They want you to win. Nobody here wants to take anything from you. It’s family, you see? In fact, Loren Brae is the only real family I’ve ever had.”
“Munroe.” Lia’s voice cracked, and she brought her hands to my chest. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry you didn’t know what family is. You’re right, I didn’t see…not really, how that is what everyone is trying to do here. To be a family to me. I should be more accepting of it.”
“It’s a gift.” My breath slowed, my eyes caught on hers. Something inside me twisted and broke open. “Not everyone understands that.”
“Munroe.” Lia stroked my chest, her tone soft, her eyes full of understanding.
“I’ve a powerful need for you, Lia.”
“Why…why don’t you show me then?” Lia asked, licking her lips.
I didn’t need to be asked twice. My desire for her broke forth, and I picked her up, placing her on the counter, and in one fluid movement pulled her shirt over her head.
“Oh my God, that was…fast.” Lia laughed at me, but most importantly, she didn’t tell me to stop.
“I don’t want your nice top to get dirty. Did you wear that for me?” I asked, trailing a finger down the satin strap of her nude bra. There was nothing fancy about the bra, and yet it was incredibly sexy in its simplicity. Silky fabric covering lush breasts, and already her nipples peaked. Continuing down, I toyed with the button at her waistband.
“I might have,” Lia admitted, her skin pinkening at my touch.
“Lift your hips,” I ordered, undoing the button and the zip before sliding the jeans carefully down her legs. Crouching, I took my time pulling the fabric off each foot, noting how she squirmed at my touch. I’d been dreaming of this every night, and now I planned to take my time feasting on Lia’s gorgeously soft and curvy body.
Graham may give me a hard time about being slow to bed a woman, but when I did, I made damn sure she’d never forget it. Lovemaking was one area where I’d taken my time to learn what women liked, almost as though I was studying for a test, because a woman’s pleasure was of utmost importance to me.
Call me a nerd all you want, but the good thing about nerds? When something interested them, they dedicated themselves to studying it until they mastered it. Sure, being shy had held me back in some areas, but it had certainly been a benefit in others. And here?HereI could shine.