Page 43 of Lyric of Wind
“It’s one of those Fae things you’ll likely hate,” Kellen said cheerfully, pleased to see the large tub was already full with steaming water. “If you don’t claim me back, I’ll eventually waste away and die.”
“You’ll what?” Raven screeched, rounding on him. “You absolute eejit. You can’t just…no. No. I won’t be responsible for your death. This is on you. You shouldn’t have claimed me without my permission. You did this to yourself. I will not take responsibility for this. Absolutely not.”
He wished he could tell her how adorable she looked, stomping her foot by the side of the bathtub, her hair mussed from their lovemaking, but he suspected it would infuriate her further.
“Okay,” Kellen said, ever patient. Getting in the tub, he held out a hand to her. Raven eyed him suspiciously.
“What do you mean, okay? This feels like a trap.”
“Get in the tub, Raven. We’ll soak, get some sleep, and wake to fight the Dark Fae.”
“And this whole fated mate thing? You’ll just…let it go?”
“There’s nothing to let go. You’re my fated mate. I’ve claimed you. What you choose to do with that is on you.”
When Raven lifted her chin at him, Kellen just grinned. He was too happy to worry much over unrequited claims. Naturally, Raven was nervous about this. They’d have time to sort it out.
“Come on in. The water’s warm.”
“No more talk of fated mates.” Raven pointed a finger at him before she took his offered hand and settled into the tub. Reaching forward, Kellen dragged her onto his lap and just held her in silence, knowing there was nothing more he could say in this moment to convince her to take a chance on him.
“I love you, nightbird.”
“Would you stop?” Raven hissed. But beneath the water, she squeezed his hand tightly, and Kellen grinned, before placing a kiss against her hair.
While it wasa week of many firsts for her, waking up next to a man certainly topped the list. Raven snuggled backward, warmth blooming as Kellen’s arm looped around her waist, pulling her close, and she gasped when his hands began to move. Slowly, he explored her body, lingering over areas that made her moan, whispering decadent thoughts at her neck, and when he entered her while spooning her, Raven’s eyes almost crossed from the pleasure he brought her. By the time they made it from the room, breakfast was almost finished.
“Well, well, well. We wondered if we were going to have to send the guards in to drag you two out of there,” Callum said, a smile hovering at his lips. Raven flushed, immediately embarrassed that everyone would know that they’d had sex. Seeming to understand her nerves, Kellen kept an arm around her shoulders.
“Raven’s my fated mate,” Kellen said, and Bianca squealed, clapping her hands together.
“I don’t…we’re not…” Raven glared up at Kellen, flustered.
“She’s still coming to terms with it all. Let’s give her space on that, shall we? In the meantime, have you reached a decision?”
“A decision on what?” Raven asked. She dropped into a chair and reached for a piece of bread, and a small pot of jam. She was famished. She knew what daily hunger was like, but this was something else entirely.Apparently, a lot of sex tires a person out.Although, Kellen certainly seemed full of energy.
“We were discussing if we would try the ritual first, before going to the Dark Realm,” Bianca explained. “We’ve voted, but we’ll wait to hear what you think.”
“Oh, I can’t possibly vote,” Raven protested. “This isn’t my place.”
“You get a vote,” Kellen said, placing a glass of juice by her plate and kissing the top of her head before taking the seat next to her. Raven was sure her cheeks were flaming. She’d never been comfortable with affection before, and the more Kellen touched her in public, the more it seemed to scream that they’d had sex. Was everyone looking at her differently? She certainly felt different. She picked up her glass and drank, before realizing that everyone was waiting for her to speak.
“Then I choose the path of less violence. If the ritual has the potential to take care of the Dark Goddess or whatever, wouldn’t it make sense to give it a go first? It might save many lives.” Raven looked down in shock at her now empty cup. She must have really been thirsty.
“See? I told you she’d agree with us.” Bianca nodded her approval. “Kellen?”
“Ritual first,” Kellen agreed.
“Where will we do it?” Seamus asked.
“In the square,” Kellen said. “The people have a right to watch. It’s their lives they are putting on the line.”
“We’ll just need…” Callum cocked his head as a guard appeared at the door.