Page 57 of Lyric of Wind
“You healed me. I didn’t even know you could do that.”
At that moment, a glimmer of light appeared, and Riker dropped to his two front knees, bowing. Shocked, Kellen turned.
Fiona was back, but this time, the Goddess Danu accompanied her.
Kellen dropped to his knees as well.
He’d only ever seen the goddess once, when he was quite young, but his childhood memory of her held up. She was all that was light and good in the world, ethereal and flowing and glowing and lovely, and still she paled in comparison to the love of his heart, Raven.
“I’m sorry.” Danu hurried forward, surprising Kellen by dropping to her knees next to Raven. “I was helping the others escape the Dark Realm. It’s…no longer. It’s gone. Without Domnu, it was but a house of cards.” Danu lifted a hand and placed it at Raven’s chest, whispering a few soft words. “The poison is strong, I fear. Domnu was particularly proud of her hair, but also quite crafty with her magicks. Her snake bites are the deadliest of her powers, and frankly, I’m surprised Raven has held on as long as she has.”
A raven cawed above them, and Danu glanced up, a smile crossing her face.
“Of course, I’d forgotten. Do you know what your fated mate is?” Danu turned to Kellen who had inched forward on his knees so he could hold Raven’s hand again. Why was she chatting so long? Shouldn’t she be using all of her magick to heal Raven? Fury worked its way through him.
“She’s about to be dead if you don’t something.”
“No, she’s not,” Danu quickly assured him, understanding dawning. “Give her a moment to come to. She’ll not die this night, I promise you that, Kellen of the Air Fae.”
“She won’t?” Kellen looked between Danu and Fiona who both wore happy smiles.
“Her father is an animal spirit. Of the birdsong people.”
Kellen’s mouth dropped open. There were lesser gods in the world, those that shifted between spirit and animal, and if Raven’s father was one, then…she wasn’t mortal at all.
“Raven,” Kellen breathed, hope dancing through his chest. “My little nightbird. She’s so, so tough. But her voice? Like music from the stars above.”
“Yes, her voice is part of her magick.” Danu beamed down at Raven when her eyelashes fluttered against her skin. “There she is. She’ll be coming back to us now.”
“I’m dead,” Raven whispered, staring in awe at Danu, and the goddess laughed, a tinkle of windchimes in the breeze.
“No, not at all. You, my beautiful niece, are very much alive. Domnu’s poison is almost gone now, but please, be careful with your movements.”
“Kellen?” Raven asked, still blinking up at the goddess.
“I’m here. Right here, Raven. By your side. Always and forever,” Kellen said, gripping her hand, and Raven slid her eyes to him without moving her face. A smile bloomed on her lips, and then she did the most heartbreaking thing of all.
She cried.
Tears poured from her, with such ferocity, that Kellen pulled her into his lap, cradling her close and rocked her, while she wept and wept against his chest. She cried the tears of someone who had once been lost, but now had found her way forward. Her body shook in his arms, and he murmured soft words in her ear, pressing his lips to her hair. Over her head, Riker stepped forward and bent his head to hers. At his soft whinny of concern, Raven looked up and gasped.
“Oh, Riker! You’re safe. Oh, thank you. I was so worried. About everyone. I thought you all…I thought…” Raven looked up, her eyes stricken with guilt. “I didn’t mean to hurt you but…”
“Shhh. We figured out pretty quickly what you were doing you stupid, stupid woman. Don’t ever put yourself in danger like that again. I’d be furious with you if I wasn’t so happy to see you alive,” Kellen said, brushing his lips across hers in the softest of kisses. He was hungry for so much more, but now was certainly not the time.
“She’s gone?” Raven asked, turning to look at Danu.
“She is.” A mixture of relief and regret twisted across Danu’s pretty face. “I’m certain of it.”
“My mother. Yoursister. I killed my mother.” Tears filled Raven’s eyes once again. “I’m sorry, Danu.”
“Mother and sister in name only, my sweet niece. You have nothing to apologize for, Raven. You did what was right. What none of us could do ourselves, even me. Your mother made her own choices, and those decisions resulted in the end of her life. This is not on you to feel guilt for.”
“Niece,” Raven repeated, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’ve never thought about having an aunt before.”
“I think you have more family than you realize.” Danu nodded to the birds that still swooped over their heads. “But that’s a discussion for another time. I must go. There are rituals to be done now, to close off the Dark Realm. You’ll be heavily rewarded for your help with this battle.”