Page 35 of Arranged Silverfox
"Hey, Becca," Jasmine called as she breezed into the kitchen.
My eyes widened. "What are you doing here?"
I put the rolling pin down and hugged my best friend. "Sit down." I gestured for her to sit on one of the stools around the large kitchen island.
"Do you want anything? Tea, coffee, a couple of cookies?"
She grinned. "No thanks, I'm good right now."
"Okay, so what are you doing here? You should be resting," I chastised.
"I'm tired of resting. It's been nearly two weeks. I have to get out of the house! I’m so bored I could die. I even miss going to work. Typing with one hand sucks!” Jasmine complained. Jasmine’s arm was still in a cast, and no amount of glitter glue or rhinestones could make up for her limited mobility. The cuts on her face had almost completely healed.
"Jay is driving me around today so that I can see people," Jasmine explained.
“Plus, I need to pick up some sketches from work.”
"Does he still feel guilty?"
"He does, but I told him it wasn't his fault. Once the driver who hit us is sentenced, I think he will feel better."
I shook my head in disbelief. "Drunk driving is terrible. I can't believe someone would risk their lives and the lives of innocent people."
"I know. The police officers on the scene kept saying how lucky we were. It could have been a lot worse." She looked around and then smiled at me. "Enough about me. How have you been?"
"I've been good. Busy with the bakery as usual. Sebastian has a lot of events that he wants us to attend, so I'll be staying with him for the foreseeable future."
I shrugged and picked up the rolling pin, returning to the dough.
Jasmine furrowed her brow, “Wait, you’re crashing with Sebastian and living in sin?” She took on a haughty affectation that was supposed to be my mother, “Rebecca! What will the—” she paused, thinking of a socialite name, “Mortimers think?!”
I laughed. “I thought my mother would pull that card, too. But my dad says it’s more believable if we live together before we get married.” I shrugged. “I don’t mind it, surprisingly. We have a lot of events coming up together, so it makes sense if I stay with him instead of going back and forth constantly.”
“Hold up. Can you stand being in the same room with him? Since when?!” Jasmine exclaimed.
“Jas, I think we both misjudged Sebastian a bit. He’s more than a gruff exterior. You know he drove me to visit you the night Jay called,” I explained.
Jasmine’s eyes widened, “You were together that night?”
“Yeah, we were actually in the middle of something.” I blushed as I finished rolling out the dough and pressed a tulip-shaped cookie cutter into the dough.
Jasmine’s jaw nearly hit the floor, “You were going to have sex with Sebastian?!”
“Jasmine, shhh, calm down!”
“I refuse. Becca, that’s huge news! I had no idea you even liked him that much!” Jasmine exclaimed.
“Jasmine, he’s an excellent kisser,” I smirked. “I can only imagine what else he can do with his tongue.”
Jasmine squealed and punched me in the shoulder with her good hand, “Rebecca Elaine Cavanaugh is becoming a woman! Ahhh! Okay, well, when it happens, I want all the details.”
My face reddened, “Jasmine, you already know far too much about my love life,” I insisted before starting on my next tray of cookies.
“That’s what best friends are for! I’m glad the two of you are finally getting along. Maybe your dad was right. You’re pretty similar. Now, what events are you going to?”
"Some of them are ones he wants us to attend, and some are ones his mother and my mother picked out." I stopped rolling the dough and frowned.
"We’re trying our best to keep up the facade of being a real couple, but there is no way I can be here to bake. One of my part-time employees wants more hours, so I made her full-time. Now I have three full-time employees, enough people to run the shop without me."