Page 51 of Possessed Silverfox
“Something’s wrong! Something’s wrong!” Her words are slurring into each other as another scream erupts. It sounds like she’s in pain. My mind immediately goes to the babies. What if she’s having a miscarriage?
I run down the hall to the attic. The ladder is strewn across the floor. I heave it up and hook it onto the entrance of the attic. My legs shake as I climb the ladder, getting closer and closer. The attic is pitch dark when I reach the top.
“Joseph, Joseph. Please,” Eleanor whimpers between sobs.
“Hang on,” I pant as I grope around for the lightbulb. Finally, I feel the light bulb in my palm. I shove it into the socket and yank the chain so violently that it springs up and nearly smacks me in the face.
Briefly, I don’t want the light to turn on and reveal the sight of Eleanor. What if she’s hurt? I don’t know if my heart could take it.
Light fills the room.
The attic is empty. I’m the only person up here, except for a dress form that made me nearly jump out of my skin.
Eleanor is nowhere to be found. I walk slowly along the new floors. I hear a loud thud behind me and startle as I realize that the ladder, the only way to exit the attic, is now on the ground below me.
I’m trapped.
I tell myself it’ll be fine to calm my pounding heart. The lightbulb turns slowly in its’ socket, and then darkness cloaks me. Now, my chances of getting back downstairs are next to zero.
The darkness in the attic is thick. I can’t even see my hands in front of my face. Even if the ladder was still attached, there’s no way I would be able to find it.
The floorboards groan with the weight of another person.
“Eleanor?” I whisper foolishly.
The floorboards creak again. I’m being watched, and I know it.
I swallow a scream as the dress form tumbles down, landing on my foot. It hurts like a motherfucker. I swear and clutch my foot.
Then, I hear someone else breathing in my ear. Their breath is raspy. I’m grateful to be in the dark as the smell of rot crawls up my nostrils, choking me. I start to cough. Something yanks me back by my shirt collar, slamming me against the wall. My shoulder hits the window ledge. I swear.
“Joseph,” it whispers, Eleanor’s voice again, although I know she’s not here.
“I’m not falling for that,” I say feebly as if this sham attempt at bravery will magically right the ladder.
“I’m coming for you, darling,” she whispers again. The hairs are standing up on the back of my neck. I'm terrified for the first time since I moved back into Idylewylde Hall. I start to think that maybe the entire island is obsessed with this stupid ghost because it’s true. Something yanks my shirt collar again. The fabric rips down to the shoulder. I try to move out of the way, but it yanks again, gripping my arm and tearing the sleeve clean off. Something pops. I realize it’s my shoulder, yanked clean out of the socket. My right arm goes numb. I try to move my hand, but it’s too painful. Tears sting the back of my eyes.
I start screaming.
“Joseph?” Eleanor says again, but I know it’s not her.
“Get away from me!” I howl.
Something thuds against the entrance. It’s the ladder, thank God. I crawl toward the opening.
I hold my breath as I hear the sound of footsteps making their way up the ladder. A hand reaches out in the darkness. I grab the wrist and feel the quick thud of Eleanor’s pulse.Eleanor.My pulse calms as the lightbulb illuminates the room.
Eleanor stands perched on the ladder, wearing a burgundy sweater. Her brow crinkles in confusion.
“Why are you up here? I thought you hated the attic! And it’s almost eleven!”
“I heard you screaming,” I pant.
“You sounded like you were hurt. I rushed up here, and no one was there. It was empty, but then I heard you screaming again, and the ladder fell and—”
Eleanor hikes along the entrance and crawls to where I’m sitting.
“Joseph, you’re bleeding! Your arm is, oh God, Joseph.”