Page 68 of Possessed Silverfox
We shove our feet into our shoes and race to the hospital at breakneck speed. Joseph yells at the E.R. receptionist as I pace around the waiting room, clutching my stomach and remembering Beatrix’s words. Beatrix lost her baby, too. What if history is doomed to repeat itself?
The receptionist calls us back to an exam room, where, thankfully, Dr. Wilson is waiting.
“You’re lucky I was working the night shift. Now, I hear you’re experiencing some spotting?”
I nod.
“Some spotting is normal during pregnancy, but you did the right thing coming in for a check-up, especially since you’re pregnant with multiples.
She hands me a gown to change into, and I hop onto the exam table.
“Let’s get a look at these babies to make sure everything’s okay,” she says calmly. I want to yell at her, to tell her that I’m feeling anything but calm. My heart pounds in my chest as she presses the ultrasound wand against my belly. I wince, it hurts. My sides hurt.
“See? Two perfectly healthy babies,” she reassures me. Joseph and I glance at the screen, and our babies are cozied together. The sound of their rapid heartbeats fills the air.
“They look great. If anything, they’re at the top growth percentile. I’d just advise you to take it easy as your pregnancy progresses: no vigorous physical activity.”
Finally, my heartbeat calms to a normal rate. We’re okay. Joseph squeezes my hand and kisses my forehead.
“I’m so relieved,” he says. He gives me a chaste kiss.
“Like I said, some spotting is to be expected. We’ll monitor you closely in the coming months,” Dr. Wilson reassures us.
“You can change back into your clothes now,” she adds.
I change into my nightgown after Dr. Wilson exits the room.
“I’m sorry,” Joseph blurts as I contemplate how ridiculous I look. At least I didn’t bring slippers.
“For tonight. You can keep your necklace on. You can get me one, too, if that makes you feel better. I don’t care. You can hire an entire team of Ghostbusters. What matters to me is that you and the babies are healthy. Truly.” Joseph shrugs his coat on before holding mine open.” I struggle to zip my coat against my growing bump.
“Thank you, I—" I touch my collarbone, and the necklace is gone.
“It’s gone! I-I was just wearing it.”
“We can check your room tonight,” Joseph reassures me. We kiss deeper this time. I slip my tongue into his mouth, and our tongues sweep against each other. Whatever animosity we harbored during our brief tiff tonight evaporated, replaced with the overwhelming gratitude that our children were safe.
“I love you,” he says, kissing me once more. “Now, let’s get you home.”
When we arrive back at Idylewylde Hall, it’s close to five in the morning. I’m too tired to pretend to be mad at Joseph. He holds me close as we fall into bed. My phone buzzes in my purse. It’s a text from Dante.
I texted him earlier in the night and completely forgot about it. The text flashes across my screen, and I feel a hint of hope for the first time.
Dante:I’m here to help you in any way that you need. Tell me everything.
“Who’s that?” Joseph mumbles.
“A solution,” I reply.
Chapter 18
Mostcoupleswouldspendtheir Saturday nights going to dinner or a movie, but Eleanor and I are visiting a psychic.
Dante’s shop is above Weatherby Books. I wasn’t aware that they were leasing the top floor. When Eleanor texted Dante about it, he said he doesn’t advertise much. He prefers to work on an appointment-only basis.