Page 33 of Marked By Shadows
“I wasn’t kidding about the technician,” he says. “He really does want to talk to you.”
“Alright,” I say. I follow him as we go toward a small room. He doesn’t look bad.
Dom wraps his long fingers around my forearm and flashes me a warm smile. “Are you excited for the tour?” he asks softly.
I nod. “Yeah,” I say. “A little freaked out, but…excited.”
“Freaked out ‘cause it’s a big tour?” he asks.
“Yeah,” I say. “And because now Javi thinks he’s having visions. I don’t know, I thought that things would get less complicated. I guess that was just wishful thinking.”
He shakes his head. “Alana,” he says. “You like complicated.”
“No, I don’t.”
“If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have gone along with last night.”
He shakes his head, but he’s still smiling. I can’t help but think that maybe he’s right. Maybe I do like complicated.
I don’t want to, but we promised we would be discreet, and I have a job to do. So while the band rehearses or plays music on the tour bus, I focus on studying Trine.
She seems like a perfectly ordinary girl at first glance. Misha slings an arm around her shoulder and holds her close, smiling into her hair whenever he talks to her. He obviously adores her, but there’s something else there. Something…more protective.
I don’t do much. I just watch her, waiting for her to show signs of possession. That’s my job. There are no signs of possession, not really, not that I can see. She just looks tired. I notice she spends more time sleeping than the rest of the band, like she’s recovering from something.
And she does seem exhausted. Her cheeks are sunken in, there are bags under her eyes, the blood vessels in her eyes have popped and they go up toward her irises like vines.
But I get distracted by Alana. She mostly doesn’t look my way. When she does, she smiles, her cheeks reddening. But she’s careful and I don’t think she wants the rest of the band to know, so I don’t really engage her if she meets my gaze, no matter how much I want to.
And fuck, I really, really want to.
She wears these low-cut tops under her open jacket that make it hard not to stare at her. She brushes a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and looks up at me with dark brown eyes and my heart beats so fast in my chest, I have to remind myself that she’s not doing it for me.
I listen to her talk to her friends or on the phone sometimes. I try not to pay attention to what she’s saying, but it’s hard–the tour bus is small and there isn’t anywhere for me to go.
The first day is mostly travel. We’re a few hours away from the first venue, an abandoned hotel next to a giant cliff on a tall mountain. It used to be all the rage in the 1920s, but it’s fallen into disrepair since then.
From what Javi told us, the people putting on his tour thought it would be the perfect place to start. We’re staying overnight and then they’re having a VIP show outside in the front yard. It’s a beautiful, picturesque place, but I’ve never been there and I’ve heard plenty of stories about it being haunted.
The hotel has turned into a museum, the crumbling paint and moss on the walls covered by white paint. But the place is still fucking creepy, on top of an incredibly tall mountain, fog shrouding the building.
It’s the kind of place I would normally avoid, when I know just how horrible it’s going to be there. But I’m being paid for this, so I don’t complain about it. I wouldn’t even if I wasn’t being paid for this.
There’s a part of me that’s just curious. I want to see this place, this old abandoned hotel turned into a museum next to giant falls and tall mountains. The altitude and twisty streets are the perfect combination for feeling travel sick, so I’m not surprised that the majority of the band looks a little worse for wear.
Alana is holding onto Sierra, her hand on her friend’s shoulder. Kelly is covering her mouth as she gets out of the bus.
As we make our way inside the hotel, the air becomes thick and heavy, like a fog has settled inside the building. I can’t help but feel a little uneasy, like there’s something watching us from the shadows.
I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I’m here to do a job, not to get spooked by a haunted hotel. Nothing is watching us except people. I know people follow Javi around.
Misha and Trine take the lead, walking hand in hand, while Kelly and Sierra follow behind them. Alana is next to me, her arm brushing against mine, and I can feel the heat of her body.
“Are you okay?” I ask her, trying to sound casual.