Page 106 of Yours to Catch
Harper scoffs from her section of the rail. “Ridge is just grumpy because Callie hasn’t been around.”
“Haven’t seen her in days,” he mutters.
My irritation deflates for the broody brute. “I totally understand. Grace ghosted me for weeks when she was sick.”
My girlfriend groans to the rafters above. “Oh, my gosh. You’re still bitter?”
“I just missed you.”
She leans over the counter to kiss me. “We can sixty-nine later to settle this upset once and for all.”
A wistful sigh breezes past my parted lips. I glance at our captive audience. “She gets me.”
My focus whips straight ahead to the front door when it opens with a bang. Tension immediately flexes my muscles at the sight of the traitor who dares to step foot into my bar. The fucking audacity is almost comical. When his beady gaze narrows in on Grace, I vault over the bar to stand beside her.
She swivels on her stool to see who captured my attention. Her mouth pops open. “Dale?”
I choke on my disbelief. “You know him?”
“He’s my brother. Well, half. But we’re fully estranged.”
“Not a fucking chance.”
She turns back to face me. “What’s wrong?”
“Hilary cheated on me with him.” I fling an arm his way, pointing with my middle finger.
Her jaw drops with a sputtered breath. “No.”
“Yes,” I grate. “He was my teammate. I thought he was my friend. So much for allegiance. They betrayed me together.”
Dale shrugs. “The grass was greener.”
“Past tense,” Grace mutters.
The jackass has the balls to smirk while lifting his nose at Roosters as if it’s a city dumpster hours before trash collection. Not that his opinion holds any weight. The dude looks worse than shit scraped off the concrete.
His upper lip curls. “This is what you’re doing for a living?”
My fists clench. “Cut the shit. What do you want?”
His eyes rove over the sports memorabilia before latching onto his sister again. “Is this your pathetic attempt at revenge? Nice try, buddy. I don’t give a fuck about her.”
Grace is off her seat, primed to launch herself at him. “Then why are you here, huh? We haven’t seen each other in a decade, and this is how you want to stage a reunion? Stay gone,brother.” Her sigh is steeped in disappointment. “And I use that term very loosely.”
“I couldn’t believe it was true. Had to see it with my own eyes.”
“Why? Because he’s the greatest guy I’ve ever met? His pinky finger has more compassion than most hold in their entire body. He’s responsible and successful and honest. Did I mention loyal? Toss in kind and patient too. The list is endless, really. But you?” She stabs a finger in his direction. “I can’t even comment on your character other than you stole another man’s girlfriend.”
“Can’t steal what wants to be taken,” he boasts.
Grace does a slow clap. “Wow, that’s commendable.”
“You’re one to talk, shacking up with that clown. The guy is a loser. He’s just going to drag you down.”
Her gaze swings to me, finding my eyes already on her. There’s so much warmth and understanding reaching out. The storm raging inside of me calms as I allow the comfort to sink in.
She lifts a palm to cup my jaw. “He’s not, but even if he did, that’s my choice. Garrett is my choice.”