Page 11 of Yours to Catch
“Me?” I grumble a few choice phrases about nosy employees and scrub over my stubbled jaw. “You’re the one standing around doing nothing while on the clock.”
“I’m checking on my boss. That’s important.”
Disbelief scoffs at her flimsy excuse. “Just spit it out, Harps. We have work to do.”
My sister’s best friend makes it a point to glance across the bar where only a few stools and tables are occupied. “I think we can spare a few moments to chat.”
Ridge appears beside me from the shadows or wherever he’s been lurking to avoid social interactions. “Are we discussing Foster’s lady friend?”
The finer sex is quite fond of me, but there’s only one who’s left a lasting impression. On all of us, it seems. “Ah, the truth comes out.”
Harper flattens her lips at the intrusion. “I was getting there, Brewster.”
He snorts at the nickname. “Why beat around the bush?”
She bends at the waist while hacking up what I can only imagine is a lung. The coughing fit quickly transitions into giggles. “Damn, that was a good night.”
I lean forward to pat her back. “You all right?”
“Fine,” she croaks. “Just reminded me about Jake. He’s fond of diving right in.”
Bile churns in my gut. “I don’t want to know.”
“You really don’t.” Her wink is over the top.
“Fucking Evans,” Ridge grunts. After a sharp jerk of his head to undoubtedly clear that horrific image, he refocuses on me. “Is this chick different from the rest?”
“Depends on your definition. This one in particular is in a hurry to walk down the aisle.”
His brows bounce to his shaggy hairline. “The fuck?”
“That’s not entirely true,” Harper counters.
My gaze narrows on her. “How do you know?”
She shrugs. “Joy spilled the tea.”
I wait for her to share more. When she doesn’t, I roll my wrist to motion her onward. “And?”
“Oh, now you wanna talk?”
“He doesn’t know what he wants,” Ridge drawls.
I raise my hand. “He’s right here, and wasn’t aware we added barbecue to the menu. Are you planning to grill all night? Or is there a gangbang portion I can look forward to? I hope there’s enough lube to go around.”
“Don’t worry your pretty pucker, Foster. I’m always prepared.” His conviction clenches my butthole, even though there’s zero threat of him swinging that way.
Harper hisses in a breath. “I better warn Callie that the backdoor isn’t off limits if that’s how you play. Sheesh, she’s in for a crude cherry poppin’.”
He pins her with a glare. “What about Callie?”
“Be careful with her.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She brushes off his worry. “We’ll discuss it when you make your move. That is if you ever make an honest woman out of her.”
“Deserves far better than me,” he mutters.