Page 21 of Yours to Catch
My ex’s name is a punch to the gut. “Already have.”
She quirks a brow. “With this girl who’s just a friend?”
It’s my turn to expel a defeated breath. “No, with my business. I own a bar, remember?”
“Ah, yes. How could we forget the cock den?” My father’s eyes crinkle in the corners.
He’s always supported my brand of debauchery. Meanwhile, my mother wishes for the day my wild oats will be shackled to a ball and chain.
“Please don’t encourage him,” she chides on cue.
I laugh at the predictable exchange. “Roosters is thriving, thanks for asking. Our revenue from Swing into Spring could carry us until the summer festival if needed. But we’re serving more customers than ever. Best decision I ever made.”
“Aside from adding a ladies’ night.” Joy winks.
“That was clever.” And beneficial for Grace’s resolution.
Although, my success rate remains at zero. Not for lack of trying. I’ve sent her at least a dozen guys. Her responses have been lukewarm at best. I’m beginning to suspect she’s noticed they’re stock photos.
Mom furrows her brow before swerving us back on track. “We’re glad business is booming. Truly. But those are just professional goals. What about your personal life?”
“I’m doing just fine in that department.”
Joy snorts. “Depends on your definition.”
My patience frays into a thin strand. “What’s with the sudden interest in my relationship status? It’s been the same for years and will remain that way indefinitely. Or did I miss a town meeting where everyone decided to try to convince me otherwise? Spoiler alert: you’re wasting your time and mine.”
The stubborn tilt to my sister’s chin might as well be a warning flare and I brace for impact. Again. “You and Grace belong together. It’s obvious to anyone who’s seen you with her. You’re meant to be.”
“No, we’re not.”
“You are,” she counters immediately. “Chemistry that crazy amazing doesn’t come around too often. Why aren’t you willing to explore that?”
I shrug, more than ready to excuse myself from this pressure cooker. “We want different things.”
“But she’s not just any girl. This isthe girl.” She clearly emphasizes the distinction. “Don’t waste your chance.”
“Not a problem since I never had one to begin with.”
Her jaw unhinges. “You’re really planning to help her meet some other dude who’s half the man you are?”
“Already in progress, and thanks for the compliment.”
She scowls. “Consider it rescinded. I didn’t realize you’re actually a spineless—”
“Okay, that’s pushing far enough for one evening. Garrett is about to bolt as it is.” Mom puts her hand on my shoulder, offering a gentle squeeze. “We just want you to be happy. The pestering comes from a good place.”
My gaze moves around our small gathering. Warmth spreads through me despite the recent discomfort. “I appreciate your concern, but I’m happy with my choices.”
“Then we’ll drop it,” Dad cuts in. His stern gaze levels on the group, daring anyone to speak against him. “Let the boy enjoy his dessert.”
“I suppose,” Mom relents. A loud exhale slumps her shoulders. But in the next breath, a sparkle brightens her gaze. “Will you tell us more about this friendly arrangement with Grace? She wants you to find her a date?”
“Oooooh, yes. Give us the dirt as a compromise.” Joy leans in. “Straight from the ground source.”
There’s no stopping a smile from growing, even though I’ll catch hell for it. “Just don’t make me regret it.”
“We won’t.” Their unified response reveals that they most certainly will.