Page 25 of Yours to Catch
I bob my head at the correct assessment. “Uh, yep. He’s on the cover of several romance novels that I have at home.”
“That’s where I recognize him from.” She smacks the table, rattling the dishes to make an awful racket. The kids barely react.
“Garrett probably didn’t think I would notice,” I clip.
“Has he done this before?”
“A dozen or so.” I scroll along our thread to expose his previous attempts.
“Wow, he’s totally catfishing you. What a nincompoop.”
“I just don’t understand the point.”
“Me either. It’s not like he’s interested in dating you.”
My flinch is a pitiful reflex. “He’s made that perfectly clear.”
She must hear the guard I slam into place. “Oh, crud. I didn’t mean you specifically. Garrett doesn’t want to get serious with anyone. Ever.”
My eyes narrow on her. “Weren’t you encouraging him to settle down with someone just last week?”
“Yeah, but he turned into a grump about it. Joy told me their most recent family dinner was bumpy at best after confronting him. We have to accept that he’s a complex fellow who’s highly unlikely to ever take a wife.”
I cock my head at the familiar line. “Did you just make aFriendsreference?”
“It was called for.”
My jaw goes slack. “I think you just became one of my favorite people.”
“Instant bestie at your service.” She brushes her palms together after a job well done. “How do you usually respond to his nonsense?”
“Um, I haven’t.”
Harper just stares at me for several beats. “Why not?”
“What am I supposed to say?”
“You could start by telling him he’s got competition.” She nods toward Bradley. “This tiny wingman is already proving to be more authentic in his methods. The guy your little dude picked might be married, but at least he’s local.”
A cramp seizes my stomach muscles from laughing so much. “I’m not sure if that’s better or worse.”
“Eh, whatever. Respond to the supposed matchmaker.” Harper nudges my phone awake.
“And say what?”
“He better up his game or someone else will see that the task is done right.”
Hot air puffs from my cheeks. “I dunno. He’s already giving me model material.”
“Exactly.” A wicked glint sparkles in her eyes. “Ask when you can meet this handsome stranger. That ought to make him sweat.”
My day of reckoning has officially arrived. It was only a matter of time before Grace called me out. I’m honestly shocked that it took her this long. There’s some leeriness lurking as well, and for good reason.
The initial hunch that she had been aware of my scheme since the beginning has blossomed into an indisputable fact. Her sudden demand to meet the latest phony I sent is nothing short of a red flag. Choosing a picturesque scene to reveal the deceit in my actions seemed appropriate. The mid-morning sky even features fluffy clouds for an Instagram-worthy background. It’s almost as if the weather is telling me not to admit defeat.
Unfiltered sunshine threatens to blind me as I preemptively search the outdoor space. There’s a real possibility that I can find a decent guy for Grace in this crowd. I’m not sure why I was faking it before. That’s not helpful to either of us. It’s not like we’re going to end up together. She has her desires and I have mine.
A smirk tugs at my lips. Look at me offering the perfect woman to some other man. On a silver platter suited for a wedding registry no less. How selfless. I snort at the misplaced trait. Idiotic is a much better fit.