Page 45 of Yours to Catch
A spark flashes in her gaze. “How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”
I damn near swallow my tongue. “What the fuuuu—dge?”
“Do I actually need to repeat myself?” Subtlety isn’t one of my sister’s best qualities.
“Gross, Joy. You’re my sister. Not to mention that I’m holding your daughter. We’re done discussing S-E-X.”
“Just as I suspected,” she chirps. “You’re firmly attached and loyal to Grace. Still referring to her as your soulmate?”
“That’s a joke between us.” But my excuse is flimsy.
The gleam in her gaze tells me she’s well aware. “Denial and delusions aside, yourfriendshipis raising eyebrows around town.”
Her emphasis on that label doesn’t go unnoticed. The whispers circulating Knox Creek don’t either. Not that I expected a different reaction after kissing Grace in public. The entire point was to make a statement.
“What can I say? We have an arrangement of sorts. I’m tracking down her Mr. Right and in exchange, she swats unwanted attention off my tail.”
“And how does she do that?”
“It doesn’t take much,” I evade. “Grace is a crowd pleaser. The whole package. I’m not afraid to admit that. People stop and gawk and make assumptions. Not my problem if they jump to conclusions.”
“But you won’t date her,” she deadpans.
“Badger me all you want. My answer won’t change. We should concentrate on this little lady,” I croon at Belle. “Is there anything vital I should be aware of before you leave?”
My sister is silent for almost a minute, but decides to let me off the hook. “There’s a detailed list on the counter for your reference. Belle just pooped so the tank should be empty. You never know, though. She’ll be hungry soon. There are bottles ready to go in the fridge. You just have to put them in the warmer.”
“Do you have gloves? It creeps me out to touch your breastmilk.”
“Then make sure you don’t spill any, weirdo. You should be careful regardless. It’s liquid gold.”
“Yes, ma’am.” I nod rather than salute.
“You’ve got this?” She eyes me holding Belle too stiffly.
“Totally. If all else fails, I’ll give her candy.”
“Not funny,” she mutters. As if needing reassurance, she smothers Belle in more kisses. “Mama is gonna miss you. Don’t get into trouble.”
“Quit worrying.” I settle on the couch with Belle securely tucked against me and flip on the television. “We’re gonna watch ESPN. Is our girl a baseball fan?”
“That’ll definitely put her to sleep. Good thinking.” Approval shines in Joy’s gaze as she gathers her stuff. But she still pauses before leaving. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Like a pizza? Because I could eat.”
“Ugh, you’re impossible.”
“You make it too easy. Get to work and trust me to be a responsible adult.” I shoo her off.
“Okay, thanks again. Bye!” After a parting glance, Joy manages to rip herself from the scene.
The door slams with a resounding bang to signal it’s just me and my tiny chaperone. It’s so quiet. Belle appears comfortable so I don’t move. I try to focus on the Twins game, but my mind instantly wanders. There’s an itch in my front pocket that I can’t ignore.
“What do you think, Belley button? Should we text Grace? Just a quick message to check on her. It would be the friendly thing to do.”
She coos and blows a few spit bubbles.
“My thoughts exactly,” I respond.