Page 49 of Yours to Catch
My head pounds while I rise onto an unsteady elbow. “That’s like asking me to choose a favorite child.”
“How about this one?” Garrett snatches a familiar spine from the bunch. “What’s with the sticky notes?”
“That copy is annotated.”
“Ah, right.” He inspects the paperback, flipping through it to catch my highlights. “You must really likeLeave Him Loved, and the author. There are a lot of Harloe Rae books.”
My nod is disjointed but visible. “I’m a big fan. She’s also local, which is cool. That one in particular is an excellent choice. It’s a friends-to-lovers small-town romance.”
“Sounds”—he pauses to glance at me, the delay leading me to believe that he’s going to make a connection—“interesting.”
“I’ll gladly listen to you perform a swoony rendition of Reeve Colton.”
His smolder heats to a temperature that gives my fever competition. “Would that make you feel better?”
“Couldn’t hurt.”
Garrett returns to his reclined position beside me. His arm stretches to tuck under my pillow. The smooth motion jerks to a sudden halt. There’s a five-second lag where my brain struggles to comprehend his reaction.
Fire rises to my cheeks. In my stupor, I belatedly realize what he’s discovered. “Shit.”
“What’s this?” Glee is thick in his voice. “Were you giving yourself an endorphin boost before I arrived?”
My face flames hotter. “Ugh, no. Shut up.”
“Do you always keep a magic wand under your pillow?” He taps at the air like he’s casting a pleasure spell.
“If you must know, I forgot Roger was there.” I stare longingly at my most beloved vibrator. It’s been too long since we’ve been acquainted.
“You named it?” He inspects the purple silicone with a shrewd stare.
“Of course,” I scoff. “They all have names.”
“All?” Garrett sputters over his exhale. “How many do you have?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“Do you want to use this beast while I whisper sweet nothings in your ear?” He waves the dildo in the space between us.
“Can’t touch me yourself?”
“Roger can join us. I’m a team player, baby.”
“Quit talking crazy.” I snag the toy from his grip. Roger lands on the carpet with a thump, but Garrett’s suggestion isn’t that easy to toss away. My pulse thunders as I try to calm the itch stirring beneath the surface. “I prefer individual sports unless the goal is to score together on a permanent, committed basis.”
He whistles low. “No wonder you have so many erotic novels in your bedroom.”
The action of fanning my face is purely to get a rise from him. “I do get hot and bothered between the pages of a girthy fantasy.”
“Now you’re trying to make me jealous.”
“Is it working?”
Garrett licks his lips. “Too well.”
“Just wait until you meet my fictional boyfriend.” I point at the discarded romance on his lap.
He scoops up the book, taking several moments to silently judge the model on the cover. “Should I start from the beginning?”