Page 59 of Yours to Catch
Garrett scrubs over his mouth, but not before I spy a smirk creeping in. “I’d say we’re both wieners in this case.”
“You’re the bigger one.” I take a meaningful glance at the denim.
A gruff sound escapes him. “Are you still down to pound?”
I shoot him a look that can only be described as exasperated. “Really?”
He chuckles. “I never claimed to be Prince Charming.”
Which severs the last strands of reckless abandon I’ve been clinging to. “We’re better off—”
A fluid motion brings him flush against me and cuts off my moment of clarity. His knuckles stroke along my cheek. Goosebumps erupt along my flesh from the gentle caress. I lean into his touch as if compelled. The softest kiss dusts across my parted lips.
His expression smolders when I flutter my lashes to stare at him. The blatant need in his gaze might as well be a romantic proposal. “Allow me to rephrase. I’d love the opportunity to eat your pussy until you’re coming on my tongue. You’re gonna ride my face like a champion cowgirl. Once I’ve guzzled every drop and you’ve quenched my thirst, I’ll thrust my cock deep inside of you until we’re joined as one. No beginning or end. Only us. You’ll clench around me hard enough to have me begging for relief, but I’ll never falter. Not until you’re satisfied. After you’ve had multiple orgasms, I’ll finally allow myself to have one. Then I’ll take you again and again until we’re sated and depleted.”
The detailed visual he paints is a vivid scene playing in front of me. My wanton desperation for him rebounds with feverish intensity. I’m flushed and squirming and nearly sway into him from the sudden onslaught. A thick swallow is the extent of my functioning ability, and about all I can manage to accomplish through the lust chasing me.
“O-okay,” I wheeze on a choppy exhale. “We should do, um… each other. Just like you described. Right away. Is there an empty building nearby?”
Garrett cradles my chin between his thumb and forefinger. His breath ghosts across my mouth. “If we’re only doing this once, I want to take you somewhere I can properly worship you. Then we won’t have to worry about anyone hearing you scream my name.”
My knees buckle and I slump against him. “Who am I to argue with that?”
Just as I’m pulling from the lot, an unusual rambler with a sign posted in the yard catches my eye. Green shutters clash against yellow siding and the purple porch railing to earn a second glance. “How convenient.”
Grace leans forward in her seat to squint through the windshield. “Is that a…?”
“Bed and breakfast,” I finish for her.
“Those actually exist?”
“Yep. The Butter Bread Inn is right here as proof.”
“Just plopped in the middle of a neighborhood like a regular home?” Her arm flails toward the residential area we’re approaching at a crawl.
I veer onto the shoulder while we deliberate. “Isn’t that the entire point?”
“No clue. I thought they were an urban legend manifested for cheesy romantic comedies.”
“Seems appropriate.”
She swats my bicep. “We’re not cheesy.”
“Then why am I pulling over to see if this gouda establishment has any vacancies?”
Her eyes roll to the passenger window, but she doesn’t bust my balls about the pun. “Is this the chosen location for our boink-fest?”
My foot slips off the brake and we lurch along the curb. Laughter spews from me while I shift the truck into park. “Did you just say boink?”
“Sure did.” She flips down the visor to inspect her reflection, dabbing at the lipstick I thoroughly smeared earlier.
A smirk slants my mouth while I admire her futile efforts. Not sure why she bothers. The rest will be removed soon. Maybe she’ll wrap those painted lips around me and leave a stain. My dick twitches to speed this process along. Rather than ravish her in the truck, I swerve back on topic.
“Where did boink come from?”
“I’m leaning into your ridiculous humor.” Grace shrugs as if that comment isn’t endearing as fuck.
And I’m expected to accept this loophole in our friendship as a one-night thing. The urge to slam my forehead against the steering wheel has me stepping out onto the road. Bodily harm will only guarantee a premature end to our already short-lived affair. A ticking clock taunts me and I round the hood in a hurry. Grace watches while I rush to her side.