Page 65 of Yours to Catch
She climbs on, but her movements are stiff. My gaze latches onto her seductive curves as she slinks closer. I grab her hips to offer stability while she swings a leg over me. A shy smile is my reward. Once she’s straddling my chest, I fight the urge to yank her into position. Her weight on me is a comfort I secretly crave.
Fuck, I’m unraveling. Control is a fraying rope on its last strand. There’s a restless stirring inside of me. If I don’t get a taste of her soon, I’m likely to snarl demands like a savage beast.
“Make yourself comfortable,” I rasp.
Grace squirms. “You make it sound so simple.”
My fingers dig into her sides. “Come closer.”
“Working on it,” she mumbles.
She’s still too rigid astride me. That’s when a thought breaks into my lust.
“Are you okay with the lights on?” I’m aware that girls can be fussy about that, and I’ve never given much of a shit either way. Until now. Grace is different. I want to catch every second in vivid definition.
Grace doesn’t shift her gaze from mine. “We can leave them on. You’re nice to look at.”
I point to the mirrored ceiling. “Don’t forget the best feature. Watch me devour you.”
She glances up and trembles in my hold. “Oh, shit. That’s a sight to see.”
“Fucking gorgeous,” I add. “Ready for our sex-travaganza?”
Her attention whips to me. “Hey! You’re stealing my cheesy thunder.”
“That’s rich coming from someone who didn’t acknowledge our sharp cheddar earlier. Besides, you’re the one leaning into my humor.”
She inches forward. “What’s yours is mine.”
Salvia pools when her sweet arousal wafts through the air. Almost there. “I’m about to give you all of me.”
A final shift delivers her to where I’m drooling. Her sex is directly above my mouth but out of feasting range. She doesn’t budge when I tug.
“Relax,” I breathe into her skin.
“Easy for you to say. You’re not spread eagle over someone’s face.”
“Don’t make me sound like a random dude. We’re better acquainted than that.”
Grace taps my nose. “You know what I mean.”
“Would you like to change positions?”
“No, I’ve actually fantasized about doing this.”
“After reading it in one of your romance books,” I guess.
“Maybe,” she hedges.
“Then feed me that pretty pussy.”
She lowers, but just slightly. “What makes a pussy pretty?”
“Yours looks juicy, like this peachy bottom.” I swat her butt.
She jolts, releasing a yelp with the sharp movement. “I guess that’s appealing.”