Page 79 of Yours to Catch
“Is your penis pierced?”
Wade blanches, beer dribbling from his lips. “What?”
What’s left of my modesty demands that I change the subject, but I’m too far gone. “Do you have a pierced penis?”
His blush is a neon sign, even in the dim lighting. “Um, no.”
“That’s too bad.” I can’t even muster the tact to let him down gently.
And with that, I’ve added an awkward component to this already stilted exchange. My cringe is aimed at the chipped counter. Maybe he’ll leave me to lick my wounds in peace.
“My dick is bedazzled. Most recently, a chick called it a mythical creature. It’s like a majestical monument erected from her depraved fantasies.”
I gasp and swivel to confront the voice that’s been haunting me. “What’re you doing here?”
“Looking for you.” He sends Wade a dismissive glance. “You’re in my seat.”
The other man bumbles over a retort. “I didn’t know this spot was reserved.”
“Well, you do now. Take a hike.” He hitches a thumb over his shoulder.
Wade straightens his shoulders. “Excuse me?”
Garrett expels a harsh breath as if this interaction is expending too much energy. “All right, listen. I’m gonna level with you. She doesn’t want your pokey pony. I’m the only mount for her.”
I choke on my saliva. “Someone’s cocky.”
“Thanks to you.” He boops my nose before addressing Wade again. “She’s not gonna twist your crankshaft. This classy lady has finer tastes. Try your luck elsewhere.”
Wade ambles off, muttering under his breath about the lack of appreciation for true American muscle. I watch him go for no other reason than to gather my scattered wits. Nerves somersault in my belly at a gold medal pace. Garrett’s unexpected appearance sprouts questions in all directions.
A gentle grip on my chin has me facing the one I’ve been missing. “Hey, soulmate.”
“Hi,” I breathe.
“Thanks for saving me a seat.” He slides onto the freshly vacated stool.
The shift in position snaps me from my stupor. “That was rude.”
Garrett scoffs. “Were you actually interested in him?”
He bends until his exhale breezes across my neck. “Your pants are on fire, liar.”
A shiver rolls down my spine. “What’re you doing here, bartender?”
Our eyes lock when he leans on the rail. “Already told you.”
“Let me guess.” I tap my chin. “Abbie told you where I was.”
“Led me straight to you.”
“She’s such a traitor,” I grumble.
“Is she? I’m glad she switched teams.” He rotates on the stool until our knees bump. “I wouldn’t have found you otherwise.”
Heat rises from where we touch. “You’re far from home. I believe you called the drive to my neck of the woods a long haul. It’s an hour round trip.”