Page 85 of Yours to Catch
“This place stays open kinda late, huh?” I was surprised to discover we could still make it in plenty of time tonight.
“They want to make sure everyone gets their fix.”
I glance at the darkened coffee shop again. “Of books?”
“Mhmm. You smell that?” She wafts the air to her nose. “It’s so complex and unique. Boosted energy. Uplifted spirits. Hours getting lost between the pages. Fantasies explored. Imaginations running wild and free.”
The papery aroma reminds me of a library, but I’m not about to dull her enthusiasm. “I can understand the appeal.”
Grace whirls to face me, a wide grin stretching her mouth to comical proportions. “This is a great surprise.”
The sight of her pure joy almost has me crashing to my knees. Fuck, she’s beautiful. An ache spears through me from just being in her presence. I can’t believe she deems me worthy of the privilege. It’s too much, but not nearly enough.
“You’re staring,” she whispers.
A smirk tilts my mouth. “You’re captivating.”
She tucks some hair behind her ear. “Aren’t you going to look at books?”
“I’d rather look at you.”
Red splotches bloom on her skin. “A girl could get used to this flattery, bartender.”
“Good.” My hand clasps hers as I steer us in the direction marked for romance. “I plan to keep you around.”
“And I might just let you.” But the sparkle in her gaze tells me that our paths are already weaving into a complicated tangle.
I squeeze her fingers that are threaded in mine. “Did you see this coming for us?”
Grace shrugs. “The friends almost always become lovers. It’s my preferred trope for a reason. But I wasn’t sure if you felt the same. That’s why I forced a lid on my emotions. Unless intoxicated or chased through a hay maze. The last thing I want is for you to feel pressured.”
“Well, I want to spend every spare moment with you.” And there’s no sign of unease after admitting that. Not even a pinch.
“I happen to have lots of free time in my schedule. That’s why I’ve considered getting another part-time gig. Maybe on the weekends, when your sister doesn’t need me to watch Belle.”
The off-handed comment tastes like she’s baiting me. Might as well take a bite.
“How about Roosters?”
“Absolutely not,” she blurts.
I stumble to the side while clutching my chest. “Damn, you could’ve at least hesitated.”
“Oh, my bad.” She clears her throat and blinks at me. “What I meant to say was that’s never going to happen.”
I scowl while she cackles like a hyena. “What’s wrong with getting a job at my bar?”
“Other than the fact that I see you enough already?”
“There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Grace crinkles her brow. “I’d hate for you to get sick of me.”
“Now there’s something that’s never going to happen.”
“We’ve been dating on a trial basis for”—she glances at an invisible watch on her wrist—“less than two hours. Let’s simmer in this stage for a bit before you hire me to do your dirty work.” Her gaze wanders to the shelves surrounding us. “I thought about getting a job here once upon a time.”
“Why didn’t you?”