Page 9 of Tempting the Monster
When she’s finished, I place it back and ask her what’s going on. I’m thinking that something happened to one of her parents, maybe a sibling. My heart races in my chest at the thought of some devastating accident or illness.
But then she lets out another wail before she speaks. When she does, she hiccups three times before any words come out. “Well,” she exhales, “I lost my job this afternoon.”
I don’t know why I ask herhowbecause I’m pretty sure I already know, but I do anyway.
“Well,” she snaps, “the boss’s wife found out, and shit hit the fan. So, the bitch gave him an ultimatum. Me or her. I wasn’t holding my breath for him to choose me or anything, but he answered far too fucking quickly for my personal taste.”
I can tell she’s annoyed and angry, but I know it’s because of how quickly he made the decision. She felt like nothing when he’d been telling her something different for months. And even if she won’t admit it, she had wanted it to be her. She wanted to be chosen.
“Shit,” I hiss.
Allison has been having an affair with her very married boss for months. She’s a secretary to the president of a bank. The affair lasted for a whole year, and I can’t believe in all that time, she stayed quiet enough that it took the wife this long to find out.
Every chance I got, I told her to break it off with him, walk away and forget he existed, but I think she loved being the other woman. I think she enjoyed the game, the cat-and-mouse chase, the feeling of being in charge.
The control.
That is something I can understand, which is probably why I never truly pushed the issue, even though I didn’t agree with any of it at all. She’s an adult. She can make her own decisions. Plus, it’s not like I’m really someone who can say anything. I’ve never even been kissed.
“Let’s go out tonight,” she says, snapping out of her funk, which tells me she wasn’t really in love. She’s just mad that her playtime was interrupted. Honestly, I don’t know why I’m friends with her.
Allison and I knew each other before either of us knew that boys were cute. We’ve been best friends since the fourth grade. We played Barbies together, although hers were always dating boys, having sex, and pole dancing, while mine were driving around in the Porsche, the one where the lights really turned on.
It was amazing.
Everything about Barbie was amazing, and I miss the way it made me feel.
We left home and went to college together, where we were roommates, and we’re still best friends.
“Where do you want to go?” I ask, shaking thoughts of Barbie away as new anxious images of crowded clubs fill my head. I know that’s where she’ll want to go because that’s always what she chooses when she needs to let off steam.
“A club, duh. Except, I found a new one that I want to try.”
“I’m not sure…” My words trail off, but Allison lets out a growl, and I snap my lips closed.
“You’re going,” she states. “I’ll be there in two hours, and we’ll have fun, I promise.” I almost laugh at her. I’ve heard that promise before, and not once has it lived up to the hype.
There is no bar, no club around Dallas that I haven’t been to with her. It’s always some sweaty club with cheap drinks and creeps who come up behind you and shove their crotch against your ass cheek in a failed attempt to dance.
“Okay,” I sigh. “I’ll do it, but just know it’s under protest.”
“See you in a couple hours,” she quips before she ends the call.
Tossing the phone back onto the table, I lean back in my chair with a heavy sigh. Going out to a club is the last thing I want to do, especially after the stressful therapy session. Well, the session wasn’t stressful. Getting and staying there was my issue.
However, I support my friends. Always. They’re the only family I have right now. Well, since I was a little girl. My aunt and uncle don’t really count. They made sure I was fed and clothed, but that’s about as far as they went. I haven’t even heard from either of them since the day I packed my things and went away to college… a whole two hours fromhome.
Friends are my only family, and thankfully, they’re very understanding because I am not an easy friend to have. I prefer solitude. I never like to go places. It’s like pulling teeth to get me to go anywhere, but I would do absolutely anything for any of them.
“Boys,”my father barks as soon as dinner is finished and we’ve relaxed by the gas fireplace, drinking more wine and chatting among one other. The relaxation hour is now finished.
It is time for business.