Page 38 of Ruthless Betrayal
Bianca’s requestsurprises me a little, and I wonder what she wants. When she enters my office, I study her carefully, looking for anything concerning. Her features are set in a serious expression, but otherwise, she seems fine.
“Are you well? Is everything all right with our daughter?”
She nods, though she still doesn’t smile. “Everything’s fine. We’re fine. The doctor said we’re well, and healthy and strong. All fine.”
“Hmm.” I stand and step out from behind my desk, then move forward and grab her hands.
I’ve been avoiding her much of the time since the birth, mainly because I know she’s not been up to sex, and every time I get near her, I want to slide my cock inside her and fuck her so hard she screams.
Just the thought of that right now has me hardening in my trousers. The air changes between us, crackling with sudden awareness. She sucks in a tiny breath and snatches her hand back, rubbing the knuckles in a distracted manner. At least I got some kind of rise out of her.
She heads over to the large couch and sits carefully, still rubbing her hand.
After a moment, I follow her, sitting near but being careful not to touch her again. “What is it you want, Bianca?”
“Oh, yes.” She shuffles on the couch as if gathering herself and leans forward. “A couple of things. You’ve given me the run of the estate, Rio, and for that I’m grateful. But I still feel like a caged bird. I can’t bear the idea that this confined space is now my whole and only existence. Is there any way you’ll give me permission to leave the estate? A couple of day trips into the city? Shopping, coffee, or a walk in a park? Anything really, just to get away from here and feel normal.Please.”
Does she know what she’s asking of me? I have given her more concessions than any other living being. And she’s asking for more.
I tap my forefinger against my lips as I consider what to do. Everyone who needs to knows I held her captive down here in the underground bunker. The dungeon, as she calls it. And everyone also knows she is back under my protection, especially now that we have a child together.
Would anyone dare to harm the mother of my child?
The development of her new animal shelter is progressing. Slowly, but there may be opportunities to involve her a little more in that project. Perhaps it may offer some of the outside stimulation she seems to need.
“I’ll consider your request,” I say, and she flops back against the couch with a loud and dramatic sigh.
It is moments like those that remind me how young she actually is.
“Not a no, then?” she asks at last.
“Not a no.”
“Okay, I can live with that. It’s slightly better than I expected.”
Finally, she allows a smile to take hold. My breath stutters to a stop for a second at the pure beauty that shines through when she drops her guard.
And somehow, my mouth starts talking before my brain can stop it. “Iamin need of a partner tomorrow evening, at an event being held in Washington. You may attend with me, Bianca.”
What am I saying? She asked for a shopping jaunt to the city, and I am granting her an out-of-state trip?
I could take back the offer. By rights, I should. But the joy that lights her face at my words is worth a thousand doubts about the logic of my decision.
She will be on my arm tomorrow evening, instead of my PA, Dana, who grudgingly gave up tickets to her boyfriend’s basketball match when I told her I needed a female at the event.
It is almost as if Bianca’s mind is in sync with mine.
She frowns and stares at me quizzically. “So, if you needed a partner for this thing, then you must have had someone else already lined up. Who were you planning—Oh. Dana?”
Jealousy laces her query.
“Indeed. And before your beautiful, honeyed eyes turn green with envy, little bird, be aware that Dana will be very happy to miss this one. She has a new beau who likes her to go watch him when he plays his sport.”
“Oh. Okay. I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. That’s…nice.”
I grunt at the relief in her tone. “There is no need for you to be jealous of other women,mia cara. We are married. I would never disrespect you in that way.”