Page 23 of Steadfast Alpha
“I wish you would let me hire someone, Shep,” Locke said, peeking into the nursery. I had decided to paint it myself, using zero VOC paint of course.
“It’s not the same. This is where our kit or cub is going to sleep. I don’t want a stranger to do that. I want to. Besides, I’m almost done. Just a few more touch-ups here and there.”
This was only the beginning of the burrowing I’d been obsessed with since my pregnancy had progressed. Since I was a rabbit and Locke was a bear, and we were both shifters, there was no telling how long the pregnancy would be. Everything was happening so fast. Locke had been nothing short of supportive of my den-making.
No matter if our babe was a bear or a rabbit or anything else, I wanted our burrow to be our safe place.
I’d completely redone the bedroom once I found out I was pregnant. My rabbit was louder than ever since we realized the little one was growing inside me.
“You’ve been at it all morning. I thought you might like some lunch and then a nap—maybe a foot massage before that.”
“Locke, I really need to finish this nursery.” In opposition to my statement, I put down the tiny paintbrush I was touching up with and my stomach growled, double-agreeing with him.
My appetite was insane.
“What are we having for lunch?” I asked.
“I already made you a snack plate. That seems to be your favorite lately. Grapes, apples, a bit of peanut butter. Hummus, crackers, cheese, meat, avocado, olives, and maybe a cookie.”
“Maybe? Tease.”
He walked over to me and put his hands on either side of my belly, rubbing circles along the outside of it. “Tease? Are you kidding me? I watched you walk to the trash can yesterday and had a hard-on instantly. You’re calling me a tease?”
“Stop that. I’m getting wider than all outside. You can’t possibly mean that.”
His voice dropped to a low growl. “I most certainly do. The body of my mate, swollen with our child inside. It’s enough to make me want to take you to our den and never let you out. I’m as hungry for you as ever, omega.”
I leaned in for a kiss but as I did, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Locke chuckled as I reached down but had trouble fishing the damned thing out of my pocket. Maternity jeans did not have large pockets which was a tragedy all its own.
“It’s the school.”
“What school?” Locke whispered as I answered.
“Hello? Yes, this is Sheppard.” I sat down on the top of the small ladder for the rest of the conversation, adding things and answering questions while Locke picked up things around the room. He had hired some more people so that he could be home with me more often and condensed some of his procedures, making his work days eight to ten hours instead of twelve to sixteen like they had before.
He’d done so much for me.
“And you realize that I’m five months pregnant, right?” I asked, making sure this man on the other line had all the information.
“I’m going to think about it and let you know, okay? Thank you.”
I pressed the End button and sat there, stunned.
“Who was it?” Locke asked as he took in my expression.
“It was the university. They are looking for a varsity swim coach. Theirs just retired. I put in a resume but never expected them to call.” My stomach growled again, reminding me that no matter what was going on, I was hungry. Again.
“Let’s talk about it over lunch. Shall I carry you?”
I cracked up. “No. Let’s go.”
Locke was weirdly silent through the beginning of the meal and I wanted to know why. “What’s going on, Locke?”
He shrugged. Not like him at all.
“Talk to me, alpha. I can feel that something is up with you.”