Page 9 of Steadfast Alpha
“Sometimes, but I don’t have other responsibilities, being single.”
“That’s true,” he said. “A mate would probably be a distraction.”
“Yes.” How often had I shared that same thought. “I am sure he would be.”
“But a good distraction.” The older man’s eyes grew shiny before he looked away. “A very good one.” He got up and grabbed the platter. “I’ll get dessert.”
We insisted on helping then settled down to eat the amazing warm blueberry pie with rich, creamy vanilla ice while we talked about ordinary things, like why people called me Locke, but I managed not to reveal my actual first name. I used an initial on all business correspondence just for this reason. And if Sheppard could avoid a lot of detail about his business, so could I keep my secret for now.
Chapter Eight
The dinner was incredible, and so was the company. Locke had me in a daze of awe. He was already an accomplished businessman and had a plan for his life. His eyes sparkled when he spoke of how his plans were panning out.
Franklin complimented him on achieving so many things for his age.
In comparison to Locke, which I learned was his last name and not his first, I was as solid as water.
All my life I’d trained. Tight schedules. Sleepless nights. Flights. I’d been to places all over the world, but only experienced hotel lobbies, cabs, and swimming facilities. Also a few radio stations and TV studios.
All of that and what did I have?
A piece of gold and some trophies.
“It’s a gorgeous night.” Locke’s voice resounded behind me as I stood at the back door, breathing in the cool air.
“It is. A good night for a walk.”
His chuckle wrapped around me like a warm hug. “I was going to sit and enjoy the night in one of those rocking chairs. I swear they have been calling my name since I got here.”
I moved aside for him to go to the back porch, and he reached out and brushed my fingers. Every cell in my body ignored with lust and my rabbit went nearly feral inside me. “Would you like to join me, Sheppard? That’s a great name, by the way.”
“Sure,” I said with an unsteady tone. “And thank you. You still haven’t divulged your real name.”
He sat in one of the rocking chairs and sighed while patting the one next to him. “Everyone who talks to me calls me Locke.”
I laughed while sitting down. “Keep your secrets, then.”
“I’m not the only one. You barely spoke about your life back there.” His statement wasn’t accusatory but blunt. I liked it. Most people danced around the issues.
“What’s to say? Some days it all seems trivial. I jumped in a pool and swam the fastest.”
He nailed me with a stare. “Is that how you see it?”
I rocked a few times, letting the cool air infiltrate my attitude. “No one talks about life after completing a goal. Especially one so hard to get to as the Olympics. You work all your life for it. You get the medal. You celebrate. Bask in the afterglow for a while. Then nothing.”
He grunted. I half expected him to light up a cigar. That’s what he scented like to me—cigar smoke and cherries. He rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, despite the chill in the air, revealing part of a tattoo that I suspected traveled up his arm. I would love to explore that tattoo and more. “That’s true. They don’t. You must have some idea. Even though we don’t make concrete plans, everyone has an idea of what they want to do next in their lives.”
He wasn’t wrong. This man who I had met only hours had insights for me. “I thought about coaching.”
“Kids?” he asked.
My eyes were on his full lips, wondering what they would be like on mine or wrapped around parts of me. Gods, I needed to stop thinking about a stranger that way. At the same time, Locke felt like anything but a stranger. Like I could spill all my secrets to him, and they would be safe. “Yeah. I want kids.”
Another chuckle that reverberated through me. The shudder that ripped through me had nothing to do with autumn making way for winter. “I didn’t mean if you wanted children, omega. Do you want to coach kids?”
Embarrassment flooded my veins. “Oh. Yeah. Kids. There’s so much talent out there. Even when I was the best, there were others vying for my spot all the time. Some who were just as good if not better than me but simply weren’t as lucky or hadn’t been at the right place at the right time. Sometimes it all seems like a sham. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful.”