Page 1 of Burn in Darkness
“Will you slow the fuck down?” I growled at Dante.
He continued his relentless charge through the molten tunnels without a response. He left a trail of deep footprints in the fine soot, making me sigh.
I regretted taking a deeper breath when the taste of blood lingered on the back of my tongue. The sour tang was a hint of where we’d wound up, but I couldn’t place it.
Of course my first guess was Hell, but this wasn’t the Hell I remembered. Diamond-like deposits littered the tunnels and an eerie breeze brought the scent of blood and wrongness to the stale air. The walls were hard and the ground was soft.
Hell had been hot, but this was different.
Ethereal, almost.
As if I was in a nightmare.
What the fuck is this place?
When Dante showed no sign of slowing down, I followed with another curse and caught up with him.
These tunnels went everywhere and nowhere. I was tired as all fuck of them.
More so, I was confused and Dante wasn’t giving me a minute tothink.
The last thing I remembered was fighting Dante.
To the death.
And then we’d somehow wound up in these tunnels. There was a gap in my memory between the battle and now.
Not just of events, but of the reason.
Why had we been on Earth?
Why the fuck had we been fighting? It wasn’t one of our sensual battles. We hadn’t been trying to work out our anger or our problems.
It had been real. A single-minded desire to slit his throat had been the only thought on my mind, and I couldn’t figure out why.
That taste of blood came up again, making me lick my lips.
Nausea swept through my stomach, sending it rolling for the millionth time.
I was a Dark Mage.
I did not donausea.
“Dante,” I snapped. “If you don’t stop for one fucking second I’m going to—”
I slammed into his back, and we toppled over, sending soot into my mouth.
“About fucking time,” I said, spitting out the vile stuff, then Dante took my arm with a solid grip.
“Look,” he said with a sense of awe.
I rubbed the ash from my eyes and glanced up, expecting to see more jagged tunnels, but we’d reached a break into some sort of cavern.
Except, this cavern had a sky just like Fortune Academy Underworld’s realm.
“A pocket realm,” I said, leaning back into the soft ash. I dug my fingers into it and soaked up its warmth.