Page 10 of Burn in Darkness
Tears that made his black eyes look like glass, reflecting my own hatred back at me.
He was an emotionless asshole and now he decided to grow a heart?
That’s what I had loved about him.
That’s what I needed from him. And now,right now, he decides to look at me withpity?
How fuckingdarehe.
Before I could register my thoughts, I had wrapped my fingers around his throat.
I’d been holding the Death Lotus of my mother’s soul a moment before, but when I had crushed it, it had sank into my skin like poison.
That only pissed me off more.
My mother had told me that she’d always be with me.
And she was right. I felt the power of her soul surging in my body, making me confused as it centered into my chest.
More emotions spurred to the surface.
“Stop crying,” I demanded and squeezed. My mother wasn’t here to answer for her actions.
Only Hendrik and his pity.
Hendrik and hisjudgment. Because of our bond, I knew that he thought I had nothing to be sorry for.
His family had performed the ceremony on the day of his birth that would devour his soul and turn him into a Dark Mage. He wasn’t given a choice. His family hadn’t shown such sacrifice.
He’d been thrust into a world of darkness and death.
Where my mother had at least tried to amend her mistakes. She’d sacrificed her own soul instead.
And his eyes and those fucking tears said it all.
He thought he could feel sorry for me? I’d show him something to be sorry about.
Hendrik blinked at me, but only more tears came.
A growl ripped through my throat. I released him, made a fist, and slammed my knuckles into his jaw.
His face lashed to the side and blood dripped from his lip onto the blooms sprouting at our knees.
I waited.
He turned to me, but that look of fucking sorrow was still there.
He wiped away the blood with the back of his hand. “Do what you need to do, Dante, but I’m apart of you, remember? That changes things.”
I scoffed at him. He wanted to use my own words against me.
Worse, he was going toblameme for these feelings.