Page 13 of Burn in Darkness
And it beat against my chest as if it wanted to escape. The Hunter only made it worse as he preyed on me. Dante ran his fingers over my throat, this time with sensual intent as he cut off my air.
He secured me against the ground as he raked his tongue over mine. He only allowed me a breath when he ripped at my waistband and shoved his hand down my open pants.
He had made those pants for me. I supposed it was only fair that he was allowed to destroy them.
I drew in a gulp of air as he closed his fingers around my cock.
“Does it hurt?” he asked as he squeezed.
“No,” I lied, then groaned when Dante stroked down without mercy. I was already hard for him the second we kissed, but now I was painfully rigid as if my body knew what we needed.
He leaned in and bit my neck hard enough to draw blood. The spike of pain mixed with pleasure as he twisted his hand around the head of my cock.
He did it once.
Then again.
Then a third time, making my skin raw without lubrication.
“Dante,” I ground out.
“Does it hurt?” he asked again.
I knew what he wanted and I wasn’t going to fucking give it to him.
Our usual dance wasn’t what he needed from me right now. He needed to allow himself to feel. I’d never experienced suffering like this, but this pocket realm changed things.
This was Hell’s Heart, and I had a feeling that title was more literal than any of us had realized.
Straining my abs, I leaned up until my lips brushed his. “No,” I said, enjoying the heat of his breath against my mouth.
He reared back his fist, but I stopped him with something he didn’t expect.
I pressed my lips against his, then I threaded my fingers through his hair and secured him against me.
I showed him how he made mefeel, and that caused him to freeze.
He allowed me to demonstrate the sensation as I ran my tongue over his, skimmed my teeth over his lower lip, then I pushed him off of me.
We were both heaving for breath as if we’d run a hundred miles, but it was the edge we both felt that was making us crazy.
I wasn’t going to give in and indulge in familiar rage.
We’d played that game.
We’d never found true solace from it, only moments of reprieve.
There had been one time, and one time only, when there had been a brief moment of peace. That’s when Lily’s angelic form had visited us and helped us resolve our suffering, but it had been temporary.
She would continue to do that for us, but she wasn’t here right now.
We had to get back to her, first, and we would be useless to her if we lost our minds in this place.
“Let me in, Dante,” I said as I kissed him and made him fall back on his heels so that he knelt before me. “Be the man Lily needs you to be.”
A shiver ran through him when I said that.
“I… can’t,” he admitted.