Page 13 of Fight
“Are you sure, Rory?” Mason asks, “You were talking about escaping this life, and now that we’re here, you can. We can deal with the rest, it's no trouble, and we love what we do. We don’t plan on giving it up any time soon.”
Malory, or Rory, as Mase just called her, shakes her head, “No way, that man is responsible for so much fucking pain and shit in all of our lives. I owe it to myself to see that he’s finally put behind bars. One last job before I retire, and then I will happily take you up on your offer to longer be involved in any of this.”
Mason nods, and Malachi replies, “You got it. You want in; then you're in.”
“Hold on a fucking minute,” Roberta suddenly exclaims, and we all turn to look at her with wide eyes.
“What, Robbie?” Ruth asks her curiously.
“Gerald said granddaughter,” Roberta almost accuses, shocked with wide eyes.
“Took you long enough,” Demelza grins, looking highly amused.
“I knew she looked familiar!” Francis suddenly exclaims.
"Alastair had a daughter?” Mason Sr asks gently, looking at my grandparents, as he adds, “Did you find him?”
From the hope in his voice, it’s clear that he cared about my father, and Gerald smiles sadly as he replies, “No, we didn’t. We followed a new lead that led us to Jynx and had a private investigator check that she was who we thought she was, but there was no sign of Alastair.”
“I’m so sorry,” Lillian replies.
“Thank you,” Gerald replies.
“She’s got his eyes,” Ruth adds, her words making me smile.
“And your smile,” Cecil chuckles and then adds, “Welcome to the family, Jynx. I knew I liked you for a reason.”
One by one, they all welcome me to the family, and I feel so unbelievably happy.
“I can’t believe how different you all behave to how our parents taught us to behave with the other families,” Malory says, “the guys clearly had the right idea when they just ignored them entirely and became friends.”
“It shocked us as well,” Rome replies, “I have a feeling that our parents lied to us about a lot of things.”
“Oh, they definitely did,” Malory replies, sounding wholly unsurprised and like the thought had occurred to her as well.
Rome starts to stand up, “If I know my father, he most likely had something else going on that was making him money and gaining him power while also helping to put the town and everyone in it in danger. Did anyone check his office to see if there were any hints of anything else?”
The grandparents all shake their heads, and Dexter, looking proud, replies, “No, we haven’t, but I think you’re right about your father.”
“The people of this town are absolutely terrified. There’s no nightlife anymore; everyone is locked in their houses as soon as it gets late enough.” Demelza starts to explain, “I was focusing on taking out the family heirs, and then I was going to look into that.”
“When we get back to yours, we can have a look at the cameras and make a plan to deal with Daniel, but I know that there’s something else going on here, especially with the town, and I’d like to get a head start on that,” Rome explains, looking at us and we all take that as a sign to get up as well. It looks like we’re going to do some investigating, which I’m more than happy to do, considering all these emotions are starting to make me uncomfortable now.
“We’ve got plenty of catching up to do,” Ruth replies with a smile, “Let us know if there’s anything that we can do to help.”
“Thank you,” Rome smiles, and we follow him out of the room while they all start talking again.
“Alright, where are we heading to first? His office?” Ace asks, bouncing on his toes as he walks. I think he was starting to find it a bit too much as well.
It’s nice to get back to something that we’re used to doing, something a bit more normal in this sea of fucking crazy shit.
“I want to talk to Thomas first, he used to know absolutely everything that went on in this house, and I’m hoping that he still does,” Rome explains as we head further into the house, and I try not to stop and stare in fascination at everything royalty-themed that we walk past.
“Do you think your grandparents would let us help rip all the gaudy décor out?” I ask randomly.
Rome smiles as he looks at me, “I’m counting on it. There’s no way that I’m missing the burning of all of this shit.”
We walk into the back part of the house, which is decorated a lot more simply and plainly than the rest of it, and Mal asks, “What’s with the sudden change in décor?”