Page 31 of Fight
I follow his lead, thankful that this family estate seems to be a lot smaller than the other estates, which means that we don’t have too many doors and, therefore rooms to clear. That’s not to say that this place is small; it's fucking not. It’s just smaller.
Opening the door to the last room in the hallway, I say, “All clear. This side of the house is now empty of any potential threat.”
“Good,” Rome replies, as we start to head back down the hallway, “Let’s go and check on the others, and then find Ace and Rip.”
As we head back down the hallway, I notice that the guy that Rome cable tied is starting to stir, however before he so much as lets out a proper groan, Rome has mercilessly kicked him in the face, breaking his nose from the sound of it and knocking him out cold.
Glancing over at me, he says with a smirk, “You really do love the sound of breaking bones, don’t you?”
Unaware that I was, in fact, grinning, but more so because of his show of brutality and the fact that I think it’s hot, which I am aware is not a normal reaction, I reply to him, “So long as it’s not the sound of my own bones breaking or those that I love, then yes.”
“Those you love, huh?” he smirks, and I narrow my eyes. He knows exactly what I mean, and he thinks I’m going to run away from his piercing stare right now and backtrack like I tend to do when things start to get a bit emotional.
Which is why I choose to shock him instead; meeting his eyes, I say, “You know I love you.”
His eyes widen, and he checks the hallway before he backs me into the door of a room that we’ve already checked. His lips are a hair's breadth away from mine as I desperately try to focus on him and our surroundings at the same time so that we're not caught unaware.
He mutters, “You do? You love me?”
“Of course, I do, you silly fucker, but this is hardly the place for this conversation,” I reply, trying to be reasonable despite the fact that my heart is going a mile a minute, and I want to jump his bones so fucking badly right now.
Instead of replying, he growls and kisses me hard and fast, sending me careening over the edge and into roaring desire, my underwear becoming damp as he then says, “You’re right, but I love you too, Koroleva, my queen.”
“That’s what it means?” I ask, awed and feeling far too many emotions for the middle of a dangerous job.
He nods once, his eyes dancing with as many emotions as mine are, before he steps back, and we both try to switch back into work mode. We’re really fucking lucky that no one took advantage of our distraction. My smile is huge as we walk around the corner. He loves me. He, Ace, and the twins have all said it now. They love me, and I love them so fucking much, all of them. I’ve just got to find the right time to tell each of them, which I've sort of managed to do with the others, and although this wasn’t quite the right time to tell Rome, I don’t think he minded, and we’ve also been a little combative, I think it fits our story well.
Rip is the last one that I need to tell how I feel.
“You guys look pretty fucking happy,” Mason says as we enter the corridor, “I’m guessing from the smiles on your faces you enjoyed your fight.”
At once, the twins seem to see the state of my face because they both rush forward; as Malachi says, “Fucking hell, that looks painful. Are you okay?”
I was so turned on by Rome’s kiss that I didn’t even notice that it must have hurt my lip, although it’s only a little bit split, and I’ve always loved a bit of pain with my pleasure. I soak up the attention from them both because I’m a needy bitch, and I love it.
“I’m fine, honestly. This is the most fun I’ve had in ages,” I reassure him, “I take it that this side of the house is all clear, and you’re all okay? No serious injuries?”
“We’re all fine,” Malory replies, smiling as she watches the twins hover over me, still apparently worrying despite the fact that I said I was okay. She then adds, “Well, we’ve got a few cuts and bruises, much like you two.”
“Good.” Rome replies and then rolls his eyes, “You two stop fussing over Jynx; she really is okay, but Ace and Rip might not be. Let’s go and find them.”
“Good point, sorry,” Mase replies, and then adds. “The door is the one at the very end of this hallway. They had to have heard us coming, we weren’t exactly quiet, but we haven’t gone in yet. We were waiting for you to give us the all-clear that the house is secure.
“Good job,” Rome replies, striding down the corridor and stepping over the mostly dead bodies.
I count two that are knocked out and cable tied, and I might see if Alaric has any extra room for them. I pull out my phone and quickly send the text before replacing it in my pocket. We sure as shit can’t leave them fucking here, and we can’t simply run them out of town since they were loyal enough to the sibling's father to be willing to die for him. I’ll tell the guys once we know that Rip and Ace are okay. Now that we’ve got the van, we’ve got plenty of space to keep them anyway. Although we didn’t bring enough knock-out stuff to keep them compliant, they’ll just have to cope with sensory deprivation instead.
Fun, I do love a good bit of torture, even if this won't be the kind of fun that I like.
We all raise our weapons as we approach the door, and Rome glances at us one last time to make sure that we’re all ready before he breaks open the door with a powerful kick that splinters it into fragments.
“Fucking took you long enough,” Rip teases.
I instantly breathe a sigh of relief as my eyes land on them, and although they are both considerably bruised and bleeding, they don’t appear to have any life-threatening injuries, although Ace is holding his ribs, and Rip limps as he makes his way over to us.
“Whoa,” Malory mutters as she looks around the room scattered with dead bodies. “You guys took all of them out?”
“We’re good at what we do,” Ace grins.