Page 42 of Fight
Chapter Fifteen
He rushes down the hallway, picking me up and spinning me around, making me giggle and wrap my arms and legs around him so I don’t fall. My giggles are cut off as soon as one of his hands moves up into my hair, and he pulls my face down to meet his, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. By the time that he pulls back, my breathing is harsh, and I can confidently say that if someone asked me what my name was right now, I’d have trouble telling them.
“I missed you,” he mutters, his forehead resting against mine.
“I missed you too,” I reply, and then as he starts walking I ask, “Are you planning to carry me all the way downstairs?”
“Definitely, Blue,” he answers me like it’s a no-brainer, and I’m ridiculous for asking in the first place.
Chuckling, I glance around, looking for Rome, only to find that he’s left Ace and me to it. I really appreciate all my men and how they can tell when each other needs more time or want time with just me. So far, there have been no arguments and no jealousy, at least not that I'm aware of, and I’m hoping that it’s going to stay that way. If it doesn’t, we’ll get through it and sort it out together as a family. I’m not losing any of them because of poor communication; as far as I’m concerned, this is it for me. This is my forever family, and these are my forever men, there’s no question or doubt about it.
“Are you okay? You look a little lost in thought right now,” Ace asks me gently as we start to walk down the stairs, and a delicious smell makes my stomach growl again.
“I’m good, hungry apparently, and I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you all,” I tell him.
“We’re the lucky ones,” Ace replies, slowing as we get to the bottom of the stairs; he slows down so that he can kiss me and then adds, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I reply and then wriggle to be put down. “I smell food, and if I don’t eat right now, I might keel over and faint, and then it would be even longer until I can eat.”
Ace’s laughter follows me into the kitchen, where I’m greeted by equally amused smiles from the other guys, and I’m guessing I spoke loud enough that they could all hear me.
“I’m guessing from that speech you are feeling a bit dramatic this afternoon?” Mason asks as I make my way around the room, kissing everyone in greeting and then plopping myself down on his lap.
“Yep, but also, you don’t know for sure that it won’t happen,” I point out with a smirk, giving Mase and then quickly hopping up as Rip places a plate of food down. I know for a fact that I’m going to need two hands and space to eat this.
“I’m reasonably certain that it wouldn’t,” Rip replies, winking at me, and I simply stick my tongue out at him as I pick up my fork and dig into the pasta covered in a creamy sauce. My eyes widen as I get my first taste, and with my mouth still full, I ask, “Did you make this? It’s fucking awesome.”
Rip chuckles and shakes his head as everyone else tucks in, and he replies, “I wish I could take the credit for that look of wonder on your face, but no, I didn’t. Your grandmother left it in the fridge with instructions and a note that explained that she and Gerald had gone back to Rome’s house to liaise with the others about the town and moving everyone back to their rightful homes.”
I nod; my mouth is already stuffed with more pasta and, therefore, unable to reply.
“Speaking of, we’re taking today to rest, and we’re going to head up to Rip’s place first thing in the morning, so although we’ve all slept in really late, I still want us to try to get some sleep at a normal time today or the same thing is going to happen tomorrow and everything will get put off,” Rome explains.
“Sounds good to me,” Rip replies, “I’m in no rush to go back there.”
“You know that you don’t have to, right?” Malachi asks him, “We can go and secure the place ourselves; you don’t have to come with us if you’re struggling with it. There’s no point in stressing yourself, man.”
Rip smiles, “Thanks, but I’ll be okay. I think it might be good to go back and reassure myself that they are really gone. My mother was worse than my father in some ways, and as bad as it sounds, unless I see for myself that the house is empty, I’m not going to believe that she’s really gone and no longer a threat. I have to see it for myself.”
“That makes sense,” Rome agrees, “I felt like that, and to be honest, I’m still going to be on edge, expecting some assassin attempts from them at some point. I’m hoping that it will eventually fade.”
“Your parents have been a massive threat hanging over you for your entire lives; it’s completely normal to be still concerned,” I point out and then add, “I would be.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Mason agrees, “at least we’re all in the same boat, and we can understand what each other is going through.”
“That definitely helps,” Ace agrees, around a mouthful of pasta.
“Right, we’re supposed to be having a relaxing day, and talking about our parents definitely doesn’t relax me, so what shall we do for the rest of the evening?” Rome asks.
“I know we said no work, but I really do need to call Sawyer and get him to come up here with the Conspiracy team to help deal with the smugglers. We should only need his team, but we need to make sure that things are still running smoothly with all of us gone,” I reply.
“Alright, after dinner, you do that and then fill us in and then how about we search this place for snacks and watch a movie, it’s been a while since we’ve done that,” Rip suggests.
“Absolutely,” I agree quickly. One of my favorite things to do is to snuggle up on the couch with my guys and watch a movie.
“I just have one request?” Mal asks, a twinkle in his eye.
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” Rip asks him, sounding slightly suspicious.