Page 63 of Fight
“Oh, that,” I reply, finally understanding what he’s going on about. “It’s just a graze, nothing serious.”
“Let me see,” Mase says gently.
“You’ve got to start telling us when you get hurt,” Rome adds, sounding exasperated.
I shrug out of my jacket and let Mase look at my arm while I reply to Rome, “Trust me I would have told you if I thought that it was a serious injury, I have no intention of dying any time soon. However, I just got grazed, nothing serious and nothing that will even need stitches.”
“She’s right,” Mase confirms, and then seeing that I’m clearly getting annoyed brushes the hair from my face and adds, “It’s only because we worry about you, and if something was seriously wrong and we didn’t know and then we lost you, we would never forgive ourselves.”
I sigh, “I know, and I get that but you guys are going to have to start trusting that if I am seriously hurt, I will tell you.”
“Okay, deal.” Rome replies this time, pulling me in for a quick but rough kiss before he lets me go and adds, “We love you too much to risk losing.”
“I love you guys too,” I reply and then add, “Now let's get back to the house and see how Harley and the others got on. Actually, Ace, can you call Cecil back and see if they need any backup?”
As we carry on walking back to the car, Ace replies, “I’m sure he would’ve said if something had gone wrong and they needed us but I’ll call and check anyway just in case.”
“Thanks,” I reply as we all pile back into the car and start driving through the small picturesque town to get back to the Hawthorne estate.
The phone call is less than a minute long, but Ace smiles, putting my mind at ease as he talks to him, as soon as he puts the phone call down again, he tells me, “From what he could tell, it went really smoothly, they’re already back at the estate and waiting for us.”
“Seriously?” I ask.
“We didn’t take that long to deal with the smugglers,” Rome replies.
“Which means either it went a lot smoother than we could have anticipated or something went wrong,” Rip points out as we start up the woodland lined back road to the estate.
“Well, let's hope it’s the first one,” Mal adds.
“Yeah, I don’t want to go through facial recognition to try and find him and then go through the hell of meets and conversations and all that shit. I want to go home.” Ace says, echoing what we’re all thinking.
“Well, let’s go in and find out,” Mase adds as the car comes to a stop, and we all get out. He turns to me and threads his fingers through mine, “We need to clean up your arm as well; the last thing we need is for you to get an infection.”
“Alright, but after we’ve checked in with the Conspiracy team to make sure that everything went well,” I reply firmly.
“You got it, Jynx,” Mase replies, squeezing my hand gently.
“Hey guys,” Harley says cheerfully from the kitchen side as she gestures to the drinks that she’s just finished stirring and adds, “Help yourself, I made enough for everyone, but you’ll have to add your own cream and sugar. I don’t know how you all take it, and even if I did, there’s so many of us I would’ve forgotten by now anyway.”
I chuckle as I step over to where she is and start making up all the guy's coffees as they like them, “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t remember either, there’s more of you guys than us, and I can only just remember how all of my men take their coffees.”
“At least it's not just me with a crappy memory,” Harley grins and follows me out of the kitchen and into the front room since, although my grandmother's table is big, it's not big enough for us all.
“Alright, fill me in,” I say to the room as everyone finally settles down. “How are you guys back this quickly?”
“Well, that’s thanks to you, actually,” Sawyer smirks.
I frown as the guys all look at me just as confused as I am, “How’s that now?”
“It was brilliant. I want to be you when I grow up,” Harley teases, batting her eyelashes at me.
I roll my eyes but can't help my chuckle as I say, “Fuck off, you’re older than me.”
“Valid point though,” she grins.
“Alright, someone please explain,” Rome asks, sounding like he’s about to run out of patience.
Nash chuckles, “Yeah, sorry, man. So they were all aggressive at first, refusing to back off and leave until Sawyer said that the town was under Raven protection.”