Page 76 of Fight
“Okay, hand me over to Asher, please,” I ask her, aware that since he’s their leader of sorts, he is the best person to speak to in this situation.
“Jynx,” Asher’s serious voice comes over the phone, “she wanted to be the one to call you. She won’t let any of us deal with it, even though she knows that we’re perfectly capable.”
“I know. She needs you more right now anyway,” I reply, hearing the frustration in his voice but respecting him more because he’s respecting her wishes even though he really doesn’t want to. I glance out the window as I add, “We’re seven minutes out.”
“Good, he’s right outside the front gates at the moment, pacing and waving a gun around as he talks to himself,” he adds.
“Got it. Listen, I need you all to get to a single room with as few windows as possible and stay there together. From talking to Harley, I think she’s on the verge of a panic attack, and I need you guys to stay with her and make sure that she feels safe and, more importantly, knows that you are all safe. If I had to guess, that’s what I think she’s panicking about right now and why she doesn’t want you to go out there.” I try to explain it the best I can.
There’s a pause before he replies, “Yeah, okay. Actually, that makes a lot of sense; he’s been tormenting her for years and has managed to hurt her despite how well-trained she is.”
“Exactly, I will let you know as soon as it's taken care of,” I tell him, and then, as we turn down the track to their place, I add, “We’re approaching the gates now. I need you to turn the surveillance off and make sure that Harley doesn’t watch this. She really doesn’t need to see him being taken down.”
“Shit, I hadn’t thought about that.” Asher replies, “I’ll do it now and get everyone into the cinema room; there are no windows in there.”
“Good, I’ll call you with an update soon,” I reply.
“How’re you going to do this?” Rip asks, “Do you want to park up now and approach on foot?”
He’s already slowing down, and his headlights are off, so I nod, “Yeah, that’s most likely the best way for us to handle it. I’ll come from the middle, and you two come at him from either side.”
“Got it,” Ace replies as we all get out of the car and draw our weapons. He pulls out his phone and sends a quick text, “I’ve let the cleanup team know that they’re going to be needed as soon as possible, they’ll be on their way.”
“Good idea,” I reply, checking over my gun and then smiling at him, excitement thrumming through me.
They both kiss me quickly, and then as I start off down the track and they move to go into the trees on either side of the road, Rip stops and says, “Like so many of our recent opponents, he’s incredibly unstable, and from what Asher described that he was seeing on the camera he is having a severe breakdown at the moment. Be careful.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on having someone like him take me out,” I reply with a smile.
Nothing else needs to be said as we all head off in our own directions, and the gate comes into view quickly, all lit up thanks to the Conspiracy team. He’s so deep in his muttering rage as he paces that he’s not even aware that I’m approaching. I don’t know where the guys are, but I don’t need to know where they are to know that they have my back.
I manage to get close enough to Harrison that I can hear him mutter, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. He stays completely oblivious until a stick snaps from under my foot, and I curse the fact that I didn’t fucking see it. Quicker than he really should be able to move, he spins around not even bothering to try and identify who or what made the noise before he starts shooting, I dive to the floor and roll, and as I pop back up, I take two shots, one hitting him in his stomach and one his heart, he drops to the floor, instantly dead.
“Dude didn’t even fucking check to see if he was shooting Harley, he just started shooting,” Rip says from the woods as he steps out and Ace comes from the other direction.
“I don’t think he planned on her making it out alive, he’s already tried to kill her before and I don’t think he had any intention of missing and fucking it up today,” Ace points out.
“No, he didn’t. I’m going to call Asher back and let him know what’s going on,” I tell them, and then when I spot his car parked off to the side, I add, “Check his car, and if the cleanup crew arrives before I’m done on the phone make sure that they know about it as well.”
“You got it, Jynx,” Rip replies.
I nod and then move away as I press dial; it barely has time to ring before Asher’s voice comes over the phone, “Is everyone okay?”
I smile, “Yeah, we’re all fine, and it’s been taken care of. He was definitely going to try to take out as many of you as he could.”
“I’m not surprised; it’s obvious that we care about Harley and that she cares about us, and he wouldn’t have been able to cope with that.” He replies, and then I hear as he tells Harley and the guys what is going on.
As I see headlights appear down the lane and the familiar shape of the cleanup crew's van come into view, I say into the phone, “Asher, the cleanups here. I’m just going to let them know what they need to take care of. Do you want us to come up to the main house and go through it all properly?”
“Hang on, I’ll ask Harley,” he replies, and I really appreciate that he’s taking her feelings and emotions into account.
“No worries, Ace and Rip are here; they can deal with it,” I reply.
I listen to a few minutes of muffled talking while I watch Rip and Ace direct the cleanup crew to the body and start to do their thing. I’m actually really glad that it went down here. There are no potential witnesses, and the only security cameras belong to our people; it’s actually the perfect place for it to happen and far less messy than it could’ve been. Ace was right back at the hotel. It was too risky and far too exposed.
“Jynx?” Harley’s voice coming from the other end of the phone shocks me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah, sorry, my mind was wandering,” I reply.