Page 35 of Keeping Promises
“Yes, we’re all good. Unless they end up needing our help, our full focus can be on finding Rylie and bringing her home,” Trick reassures me.
“Great, thank you. I hadn’t even thought about trying to reassign all of our other cases, and as I said, I didn’t even remember we had other cases.” I reply with a slight wince. I mean, that’s not something that I should forget about, but then again, finding out Rylie was a part of the same organisation as us and was in trouble was quite a shock.
“A lot has happened recently,” Trick replies.
“I’m looking forward to slowly easing ourselves into a case,” Luc mutters, and when we both look at him curiously, he adds, “After the last case, not only do some of us need to rest still, but I think the rest of us also need to take it easy because of the emotional trauma, we nearly lost Jensen and the other two weren’t in great shape. I think there might need to be an adjustment period for the rest of us as well.”
“That’s an excellent point,” Trick agrees. “Easing ourselves into it after everything that happened is a good idea. It was definitely one of our worst cases, for many reasons, and was the worst for people getting hurt.”
“Exactly,” Luc agrees.
For the rest of the day, we just hang out and try to give Jynx and the guys a rundown of how we work cases since it’s going to be a lot different than how they deal with issues, and although we do have a lot of freedom, there are a couple of things that we have to make sure that we do. If anything, they seem to be excited about trying it this way, and it makes me wonder if Jynx wasn’t the head of the Ravens if they would be more inclined to accept the offer of being employed by Mr R and under Trick’s instruction, like Lyric’s team and Elijah’s too.
By the time I make it to bed, I'm exhausted but feeling a lot better about the plan we have in place for Rylie. It's only a start, but it's better than nothing.
Atty is curled up around me, his breathing soft, and I know that he’s nearly asleep. However, my mind has quickly turned to what else we could be doing with this in mind, and the fact that I only have on underwear and one of his large shirts, I turn over, waking him up as I push him gently onto his back and straddle him which effectively wakes him, and every part of him.
His expression becomes heated as his hands grip my hips, and I strip out of my shirt. While it’s halfway over my head, Atty takes advantage of the situation and sits up, his dick moving against my clit deliciously as his mouth wraps around my nipple. I quickly discard my shirt and then weave my hands through his hair, pulling tightly and making him bite my nipple as he growls in pleasure. My hips buck from the wave of pleasure that goes through me.
His mouth moves away from my nipple as he kisses up my neck and then takes my mouth in a passionate kiss, his hands running up and down my back, pulling me closer against him, my nipples rubbing against his taut chest and driving my need for him higher.
As our tongues tangle, his hands move down my back and around my hips before he deftly rips my underwear off and throws them off to the side. I follow him down as he lies down and lifts my hips so that he can work his own underwear down. My nails dig into his pecs as he lines himself up, and I torture us both by slowly lowering myself and making us both groan in ecstasy as I rock my hips. Our lips meet again as his hand grips my ass, and his hips lift to meet mine as he guides my movements.
He lets me stay in control for a brief moment before he flips me over, increasing his speed as I lift my hips to meet his and my back arches with pleasure as he reaches out and wraps one of his tattooed hands around my neck with just the right amount of pressure.
He changes the angle slightly, hitting me in just the right direction and sending an orgasm roaring through me, the strength of it triggering Atty's orgasm as he roars out his release.
I fall onto his chest, my breathing coming out in pants as Atty runs his hand up and down my back soothingly as he catches his own breath.
After cleaning up, we both curl around each other again and fall into a deep and satisfied sleep.
I’m up bright and early the next morning, eager to get started on the Rylie case and hopefully get some sort of answers. No one else is up yet. In fact, the sun is only just beginning to peek over the tops of the surrounding trees, and I take my coffee out to sit on the couches in the extension so that I can watch the snow, which is slowly starting to fall.
As I sip my drink, my mind drifts. I know that this is going to take a while; it just is. We have to put together all of the tiny clues that have been left behind or given by her locations in order even to get a vague idea of where she is and, therefore, be able to find out whether she needs to be rescued in the first place or if she just wasn’t able to communicate because it was too risky. If it’s the second reason, then while we’re looking for her, she should be able to send a communication, and we’ll know that we don’t need to carry on searching.
“Good morning, il Mio Cuore,” Cash’s gentle voice startles me slightly as he comes into my sight line and bends down to kiss me before taking a seat next to me.
“Good morning,” I smile and then ask as I look down at his arm in the cast. “How are you feeling?”
“Itchy,” he grins, and then answers more seriously, “it still fucking hurts, but then that’s to be expected since it only happened a couple of weeks ago. I’m really worried that I’m not going to be healed enough by the time that we have to go and get Rylie, or the guys for that matter. Trick and my casts don’t come off for another six weeks, Jensen is dealing with a massive operation and the fact that he’s got a broken collar bone and fingers. Although, he’d argue that he's still got one good hand, so he can still shoot and throw knives.”
I smile at the last comment because it's so true and definitely something that Jensen would do before I become serious again, “If we end up finding Rylie’s location and have to extract her before you three are ready to go in, then you’re going to have to take a back seat, an observational or last resort role. It will be okay because we have Jynx and her team, who are all extremely well trained and capable in these types of situations. If it turns out that not having you three will push it and stretch us too thin, then we’ll call in Elijah’s team or some of Lyric’s. It will all work out.”
Cash sighs as he wraps his unbroken arm around my shoulders, and I settle my head on his chest.
“I know all that, I just, it’s going to be really hard not to be there fighting alongside you guys and Trick and Jensen are going to find it even harder than me,” Cash replies.
I hum in agreement as I hear the others start to filter into the kitchen, grabbing coffees, making food, and grunting at each other in greeting. “We’ll get through it together like we do everything. It will help the other two that you’ll all be in the same boat if that does happen.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Cash adds, kissing the top of my head and then changing the subject. He adds, “The snow really is pretty.”
“I absolutely love this kind of weather. I’m definitely one of those people who would rather be too cold than too hot. At least with being too cold, you can put fluffy socks on and cozy sweaters, not to mention blankets and hot chocolates.” I reply with a smile.
“I’m the same,” Cash grins, “you forget snuggles. Snuggling under blankets while watching a movie is the best.”
“Oh, I forgot about that!”